Page 26 - DEC2021 Digial Issue: Barbecue News Magazine
P. 26
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Five All-Time
Great BBQ
Cookbooks You
Need to Read
Sean Ludwig -
Ryan Cooper -
In the world of American barbecue, one of the most important ways restaurateurs and backyard cooks have perfected their craft is through reading BBQ books. The recipes and techniques found in the top tier of books have been fundamental in cre- ating a shared knowledge base that barbecue enthusiasts use often.
With many BBQ books published each year, we thought it would make sense to look back and pick a few that have been indispensable and in- fluential. It’s also that time of year when people are trying to buy holi- day gifts. Given supply chain issues, you may want to get your orders placed earlier than usual.
With that in mind, here are five es-
sential barbecue cookbooks that have stood the test of time and will warm the heart (and belly) of nearly any barbecue
Franklin Bar- becue: A Meat-Smok- ing Manifesto by Aaron Franklin and Jordan Mackay Celebrated pit- master Aaron Franklin and co-author Jor- dan MacKay published this New York Times best- seller in 2015 and helped
launch the Craft BBQ movement. In this book, Franklin shares his secrets for what makes truly great barbecue. He also includes information on building your own smoker, selecting the right kind of wood, managing a clean fire, and cooking the best food imaginable. Also, it’s not hard to imagine that many of the top pit- masters from the new Texas Monthly Top 50 BBQ joints list have read this book cover to cover, showing how important this tome is to modern barbecue.
Meathead: The Science of Great Barbecue and Grilling by Meat- head Goldwyn and Greg Blonder Meathead Goldwyn, pitmaster and founder of the popular barbecue and grilling website,
delves into the science behind fire and food in the book Meathead. In the process, he debunks a lot of commonly- held myths
about barbe-
cue. He also in- cludes incredible recipes that have become the staples of backyard cooks across the globe.
The Barbecue! Bible by Steven Raichlen
The Barbecue! Bible from pro- lific barbecue author and TV - 26