Page 29 - March 2021 Barbecue News Magazine
P. 29

 passing their RV site is, "Jerry, what are you cooking today?" His an- swers include a variety of different delicacies including, but not lim- ited to goodies that in- clude tacos or a low country boil.
The Brisket was tasty
and Jerry says he usu-
ally chooses a 16-18 lb.
Brisket; a choice cut
with a generous
amount of fat so he can
cut off sections to prepare Burnt Ends. When cooking on his Smoke Hollow/Pro Series Pellet Cooker, shown in the photos, his pellets of choice are Mesquite and Apple Wood. After rinsing and pat-
ting down the brisket to eliminate some of the water, he starts with a Cajun Based Rub and enjoys using a variety of seasonings that in- clude, but not limited to Grillmates, Don Prudhomme's Creole and Cajun Spices, Cayenne pepper and Lovey's Garlic.
The smoker is set at 225
degrees for 16 hours
and cooked to 190 de-
gree dry heat and then he cuts off lots of fat and trimmings for Brisket Brunt Ends. While the Brisket is cooking, Jerry is getting ready to cook his Texas Beans by cooking Jimmy Dean Sausage on the rack above the Brisket and let the meat below catch the
JERRY'S TEXAS BEAN RECIPE (almost com- plete)
The ingredients that make up Jerry's beans are the Jimmy Dean Sausage (cooked earlier on the smoker with the Brisket), 80/20 Ham- burger cooked with a generous amount of onion and bell peppers with some Texas Pete!
There is also a generous amount of a "Secret" BBQ Sauce that remains undisclosed since he likes to enter a "Bean Competition" from time to time. He recom- mends others just use our own favorite BBQ Sauce and hope they are half as good as these beans I tasted from Jerry's Grill. When all of the ingredients are combined in the pan, it is placed on the smoker with no lid for
about two hours to do "the Texas Flavor Thingy" (my choice of words)! This barbecue judge and "teller of BBQ tales" will admit this was some of the BEST beans I have ever tasted —
 a fresh bottle of beer for the cook!
The next time you're in a RV Campground in this great United States of America and get a whiff of some good
smelling smoke from one of the sites, just ask if his name is Jerry! Even if his name is NOT Jerry, I'll bet you'll still get a good BBQ story from another great bar- becue cook. Don't be bashful, just walk right up and say, "Wow, something smells good — what'cha cooking? I did ... and the sampling tickled my taste buds one more time!
including lots of bean judging in Texas Com- petitions!
One of Jerry's little se- crets is that of placing a pan of Apple Juice in the bottom of the smoker when cooking beef and replaced with Orange Juice when cooking pork. Although Jerry is the cook — there is lots of praise for the kitchen crew with Robin keeping the place tidy and opening
 MARCH 2021 - 29

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