Page 6 - March 2021 Barbecue News Magazine
P. 6
bbq gold
Ardie Davis
aka Remus Powers BBQ Hall of Famer
When spring officially dawns this month with showers and rainbows, will a leprechaun lead you to a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow? Since “pot” has multiple meanings these days, I’m calling the pot a cauldron to avoid confusion with cannabis or vessels for growing plants. Cauldrons are pots too, only larger, with room for more gold.
Instead of finding a lep-
rechaun’s cauldron of gold,
will your ship come in? Will
you win millions in a lot-
tery or other jackpot? Will
you win so many barbecue
contests that a fortune in
prize money puts you on Easy Street? We know better, but it’s fun to dream.
It’s also fun to imagine what we in the Barbecue Family— solo or together—would do with a cauldron full of gold. The possibilities are endless, but one thing is certain: we would leverage that power to feed the hungry and help others in need.
Wouldn’t it be great if our Barbecue Family had a cauldron full of gold to use in reaching out to people in communities when fires, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes and other disas- ters strike?
Wouldn’t it be great if individual members of our Barbecue Family could use a cauldron of gold to reach out with anonymous acts of kindness such as donations to food pantries, homeless shelters and other community initia- tives that make life better for all people?
What’s in your cauldron? - 6
MARCH 2021
What-ifs aside, you and I know that barbecue organizations and individuals are actively engaged in doing good and have been doing so over the past several decades. It’s in our DNA. Our cauldron of gold has delivered food, shelter, edu- cation and other benefits to millions. A list of local, na- tional and international organizational initiatives would fill several pages of this magazine. Listing the unsung anonymous acts of kindness that you and other readers en- gage in would fill a year’s worth of magazines. Like gener- ous and sometimes mischievous leprechauns, we share the gold in our cauldron with magic and fun, thereby exempli- fying the simple truth that we’re all in this world of ups and downs, meanness and kindness, poverty and wealth, wins and losses, sickness and health, life and death, joy and sor- row, together.
We earn, we share. That’s what’s in our cauldron. As the winter of our pandemic discontent transitions to spring, may our inner leprechauns make 2021 at least twenty-one times better than 2020!