Page 35 - May 2021 Barbecue News Magazine
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my path as a food company supplier, proved to be a male dominated space as well, whereas if it wasn’t BBQ I got to talk about on every cold call, pres- entation or sales pitch, I don’t believe would have have had as many oppor- tunities opened up.
Every Fella, also wanted to talk with me about they just smoked over the weekend, ha!
NBBQA: Who are your heroes in the BBQ/grilling world?
AK: Again, because of our path, Lloyd Sigel, is someone I’ve looked up to and conversed with over the years.
AJ: My heroes in the BBQ world are the people who are sharing their passion, educating others and giving back to the community that supported them. Operation BBQ Relief is a remarkable example of our BBQ family pooling their talents to give aid to those suf- fering from disaster.
JP: Adam Perry Lang, Chris Lilly, Billy Durney to name but a few. I am most inspired by non-traditional cooks and
AJ: Unfortunately, BBQ is still a male
dominated field. Even though their
wives and daughters are often work-
ing side by side and just as hard, it's
traditionally the men who are recog-
nized as the leaders. That being said,
there is a growing group of talented
women competing, running restau-
rants, owning BBQ related businesses. The day they are included in Meet the Masters panels and recognized as equals by their own peers, will be the day they are no longer a separate class in BBQ.
JP: I believe it’s the same. Much as a man can do great things in an indoor kitchen, though we traditionally see that as a woman’s domain.
RL: I’ve never felt like I didn’t have the opportunity to grill because I’m a women. If anything, I’ve often wondered why many women accept this stereotype to be true without testing the boundaries for themselves. As I’ve embarked on my grilling and BBQ journey, I’ve always felt supported from everyone in the community. In fact, I feel that a lot of women perpetuate this stereotype for themselves that “this is a man’s world” when in fact, it is open to anyone who wants to give it a try. To be honest, the only time I did- n’t feel supported in BBQ was by a notorious few women in BBQ who felt threatened to welcome other women into the fold. The best thing we as women can do in this community is welcome others into the world of grilling and bbq because a rising tide will lift all ships! It has always been my goal to demystify grilling to everyone. I always figured, if my husband can grill, surely I can too! ha!
NBBQA: Are you treated like an equal to the men who pitch their tents next to yours at places like MiM and the Royal?
AK: Because we went a different direction with our love of business, we didn’t have the situation arise. This said, I want to think that all the ladies always feel an equal.
AJ: Since I do not compete personally, I cannot address this question.
JP: I believe it’s the same. Much as a man can do great things in an indoor kitchen, though we traditionally see that as a woman’s do- main.
RL: Yes. I’ve always felt like an equal in this world. Truth be told I’m more of a BBQ jour- nalist over being a competitor (though I have dabbled in the competition world) but I’ve al- ways felt like I’ve been treated as an equal. If anything, I feel like I might have received spe- cial treatment for being a woman getting into BBQ, because there were less of us!
Angela Keevney
Jess Pryles
Robyn Lindars
RL: Give it a try! The worst thing that can hap- pen is you burn your food. And so what if that happens? Learning to grill will open up so many opportunities for yourself as a cook so don’t limit yourself to anything, including only cooking inside! Also, I have a video series on YouTube called “Grill School” that breaks down the basics of grilling to start you on your grilling journey. This includes how to start a grill, how to create zones for direct/in- direct cooking, grilling hacks and everything you need to know to feel comfortable on the grill.
barbecuers who incorporate really interesting ingredients and flavors into the traditional techniques.
RL: Francis Mallman, The Argentinian Chef and Restaurateur who wrote the book “7 Fires” about 10 years ago and it changed my life. He shows Patagonian Style grilling where you cook over a “Chapa” which is essen- tially a griddle over a wood fire. His cooking style is rustic yet elegant and he transforms everyday items on the grill or directly on the coals. My fire roasted pumpkin salad was inspired by a recipe in his book. Chris Lilly is also a hero of mine because he’s such a great cook, while also being ex- tremely humble. There are a lot of big egos in the world of BBQ and he is a genuinely nice guy. And while he makes great BBQ, he also knows how to develop really great recipes that are outside of the BBQ playbook as you see in his cookbooks. His brisket technique using beef base inspired my Brisket Recipe which is the number one recipe on my website.
NBBQA: What tip would you give the young girls wanting to get into this field?
AK: When the going gets tough, remember it’s BBQ you get to talk about everyday, America’s favorite past time.
AJ: The field of BBQ is more than competition. It might be catering, running a food truck, opening a restaurant or taking a proven recipe into mass pro- duction. Figure out where your talents and interests lie. Look for ways you can improve on what you've seen. Network and find mentors who are will- ing to teach and support you in your quest.
JP: Get out there any give it a shot! The only person standing in your way is you. If you want to do it, you can.
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