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                    Outcome indicators:
                    1.   100% budget utilization rate for obligation and disbursement
                    2.   100% of financial and budget accountability reports , and other reports required by COA, DBM, and other oversight
                        agencies submitted on deadline
                    3.   100% of Good Governance Conditions set by the Inter-Agency Task Force (IATF) complied with
                    4.  100% compliance with other cross-cutting measures set by the IATF on administrative and financial services
                    5.   ISO certification of 100% of the front line services and mandated procedures

                    (Please see output indicators at Annex B - M&E Plan Matrix)

                    KRA 1.  Good Governance

                    Objective  1. To ensure efficient, transparent and accountable delivery of administrative services with 95% cli-
                    ent satisfaction rating in all administrative offices

                                Program (s)                                       Activities
                    General  Administration  and  Support     Strengthening of Monitoring and Evaluation mechanism of PPAs
                    Services                               and policies
                                                          Implementation  of  an  effective  participatory  systems  of  fiscal
                                                           planning and  management
                                                          Institutionalization of Quality Management Systems
                                                          Implementation of the Citizens’ Charter
                                                          Development  and  publication  of  Manual  of  Operations  of  all
                                                           service departments
                                                          Improvement  of  procurement  planning  and  budgeting  system,
                                                           and internal audit system
                                                          Continuous  improvement  of  the  performance  management
                                                          Review and updating of the University Code
                                                          Review  of  evaluation  instruments    and  standards  (i.e.  SUC
                                                           Leveling,  Normative  Financing  Scheme,  PBB,  etc.)  and
                                                           integration  in  the  University  planning,    monitoring,  and
                                                           evaluation systems

                    KRA 2. Strong  Network System and Resource-Sharing
                    Objective    2.  To  forge  strong  network  system  and  resource-sharing  through  collaborative  activities
                    conducted regularly

                                Program (s)                                       Activities
                    General Administration and Support        Partnership for possible collaborations, resource-generation
                    Services                               or outsourcing from local and international organizations

                    Support to Operations                 Strengthening of network with alumni
                                                          Development of database of alumni

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