Page 65 - Area 10 - Relevant Document
P. 65
Organizational Outcome:
Higher education research improved to promote economic productivity and innovation
Outcome indicators:
1. Percentage of graduate school faculty engaged in research work in the following:
(a) pursuing advanced research degree programs (Ph.D.) - increase by 12% every 3 years period
(b) actively publishing within the last 3 years—25%
(b) producing technologies for commercialization or livelihood improvement—increase by 10%
(c ) whose research work resulted in an extension program—increase by 10%
2. A total of 29 research outputs in the last 3 years utilized by the industry or by other beneficiaries.
(Please see output indicators at Annex B - M&E Plan Matrix)
KRA 1. Strong Research Brand and Image
Objective 1. To establish a strong brand and strengthen image building of IFSU as a research leader achieving
a total of 29 research outputs in the last 3 years utilized by the industry or by other beneficiaries
Program (s) Activities
Research Program Revision of policies and priorities
Improvement of facilities and laboratories
Hiring of faculty researchers and laboratory technicians
Branding of high impact researches
Optimization of digital media to promote IFSU research outputs
Establishment of research centers
Establishment of technology business incubation center
Establishment of the IFSU Eye Center as a research and
extension facility
Higher Education Program Procurement and improvement of research laboratory
Advanced Education Program equipment for instruction and research (for students)
Fostering of human resource management and development
Increasing of research collaboration and networking activities
Provision of capacity building activities and trainings for
students and researchers