P. 183
Call for Smart Campus Proposal
Table 3. The different CISCO Certifications awarded to the
CCS Faculty Members. The College of Computing Sciences proposed an
No Faculty Name Certifications Awarded Date Awarded innovation that would uplift the delivery of instruction of the
. University. The IFSU eTICT TALK (empowering the
Introduction to Cybersecurity
Cybersecurity Essentials Transformation of Instruction and Classroom Flexibility in
1 Roderick Vicente Introduction to IoT August 7, 2020 Tertiary Education via Adaptive Learning Kits), an
Introduction to Networks
Academy Orientation intelligent adaptation to the uncertainty brought by
2 Minerva Fiesta Introduction to Cybersecurity December 16, 2020 pandemic in the tertiary education, is a transformation in
Introduction to Cybersecurity
Cybersecurity Essentials the classroom setup to cater either face–to-face or non-face-to
3 Roger Tamargo Introduction to IoT December 16, 2020 -face academic delivery setting that will surely benefit all the
Introduction to Networks
Academy Orientation university stakeholders. The project aims to provide an IT
Introduction to Cybersecurity facility that develops a smart campus area network,
Cybersecurity Essentials
Domingo Junior
4 Introduction to IoT December 16, 2020 Learning Management System and Learners’ Information
Academy Orientation System. Specifically, it has a centralized courseware banc
Introduction to Networks
Introduction to Cybersecurity server that can be accessed via online or offline (LAN/
Cybersecurity Essentials WLAN) by all the University’s stakeholders using various
5 Dennis Malunao Introduction to IoT December 16, 2020
Introduction to Networks gadgets, portable LMS for students. It has LAN/WLAN
Academy Orientation school features wherein faculty may attend classes with ease
Introduction to Cybersecurity
Cybersecurity Essentials and comfort by simply accessing their digitized lessons (ppt.)
Glenn John
6 Introduction to IoT December 16, 2020
Fernando inside the classroom without hassles for face-to-face setting
Introduction to Networks
Academy Orientation or may transform to be a virtual classroom or video room for
7 Richard Marcelo Introduction to Cybersecurity December 16, 2020 non-face-to-face setting where faculty can handle online
Introduction to Cybersecurity classes with quality and excellence. School officials may also
Cybersecurity Essentials
8 Introduction to IoT August 7, 2020 deliver real-time broadcast announcements, directives and
Introduction to Networks
Academy Orientation even short talks. This may also serve as the University
Rucky research repository to be shared with other universities and
9 Hapchayan Introduction to Cybersecurity December 16, 2020
(Non-teaching) organization as basis for faculty research and extension