P. 16
Recreation Offices (352) 728-9885 - 1851 Griffin Road
Adventure Programs Kayak & Canoe Trip
All Ages A
The Leesburg Recreation Department is offering a series
of adventure programs which are designed to allow the d
youth of Leesburg to experience the natural resources in
and around Leesburg. ve
Nature Hike n
Enjoy a fun filled and educational nature hike at Lake u
Griffin State Park. Participants will be led on a Nature hike
through the Lake Griffin State Park Trails. This hike will be Join us at Venetian Gardens for a FUN day on the water! re
led and narrated by a Florida Park Service specialist. After Participants will learn the basics of kayaking/canoeing. The
the hike participants will meet up for a picnic at the park.
trip will conclude with a scenic excursion through Venetian
Garden Islands and to Monkey Island for a picnic. (All P
Date: March 2 equipment is provided).
Time: 10am-12pm
Cost: $5 per person Date: May 4 rog
Ages: 4 grade and up Time: 10am-12pm
Registration: Register at the Leesburg Recreation Cost: $10 per person
Department (1851 Griffin Rd) or call (352)728-9885 r
Ages: All ages welcome (Children under 10 must have a
parent present at the event) a
Fishing Clinic Registration: Register at the Leesburg Recreation
Department (1851 Griffin Rd) or call (352)728-9885 m
Learn the basics of lakefront fishing at Venetian Gardens Space is limited – register today to reserve your spot! s
Stations will include: casting, knot tying, demonstrations
from the Florida Wildlife Commission, and a fishing
experience. Kids ages 5 – 16 are welcome to come spend Boating Adventure
the morning learning about fishing. Each participant
receive their very own fishing pole for participating in this Enjoy a FUN day on the water at the Venetian Cove Marina!
Participants will learn the basics of boating and rotate
through several stations coordinated by the Leesburg Fire
Date: April 6 Department, The Coast Guard Auxiliary, Sea Tow, and Holiday
Time: 10am-12pm Marine. The adventure will conclude with a scenic excursion
Cost: $5 per person through Venetian Cove and Lake Harris, lite snacks will be
Registration: Register at the Leesburg Recreation provided. Participants will also learn some life saving
Department (1851 Griffin Rd) or call (352)728-9885 techniques along with nautical knots.
Space is limited – register today to reserve your spot!
Date: June 1
Time: 10am-12pm
Cost: $5 per person.
Registration: Register at the Leesburg Recreation
Department (1851 Griffin Rd) or call (352)728-9885
Space is limited – register today to reserve your spot! – Follow us on Facebook 15