P. 19
Recreation Offices (352) 728-9885 - 1851 Griffin Road
2019 Pool Season Aquatic Facilities
Rogers Park Splash Pad
Spring Break (March 15-24): Daily-10am-6pm
March 30 – May 19: Weekends – 10am-6pm
May 25-August 11: Daily-10am-6pm
August 17-Sept 29: Weekday 3-6pm/Weekends
10am-6pm A
H.O. Dabney Swimming Pool
May 25–August 11: Weekdays 11am-5pm q
Weekends 10am-6pm) u
Dabney Fitness/Lap Swim: a
Monday/Wednesday/Friday: 6-8am t
Monday - Saturday: 11am-1pm (Limited Lanes) i
Dabney Swimming Pool c
Rogers Park Splash Pad Location: 1111 Beecher St s
Cost:$2 per dayor $50 for Summer SeasonPass
Location: 610 South 9th Street Pool Season:May 25 – August11 (M-F 11a-5p) (Sa/Su10a-6p)
Cost: $2 per person (inside fence, 2 & under FREE) The H.O. Dabney swimming pool facility includes a
The Rogers Park Splash Pad is a 2100 square feet state-of- bathhouse, 2 enclosed slides, lounge chairs, tables with
the-art water attraction with 20 different play features. Get umbrellas, and a picnic area. H.O. Dabney Swimming Pool is
drenched by the mega soaker. Cool off with assorted spray the perfect location for your next birthday party. See page 19
tunnels, a blooming spinner, a fun-brella, a mix of open flow for details on hosting your party.
puddles, a confetti sprayer and much more. The splash is Programs offered throughout the summer are, swim lessons,
padded by a colorful slip resistant LifeFloor surface. When its open swim, water volleyball leagues, and fitness swim. The
break time from the water action, relax underneath the Leesburg High School utilizes the facility for their official high
shaded structure or at one of the many shaded park benches. school practices.. This complex was named in honor of Coach
Hubert O. Dabney. – Follow us on Facebook 18