Page 96 - Willow Park Estates Closeout Manual
P. 96

TRANSFERABILITY                                      3.  After verifying the product(s) are defective, the
             The warranty may be transferred once within the first five   “Manufacturer”  will  perform  its  obligations  under  this
             years  of  the  warranty,  but  only  by  the  original  property   warranty within forty-five (45) days of receipt of notice,
             owner to the first subsequent owner, after notification to   unless performance is delayed by causes beyond the
             the “Manufacturer” within thirty (30) days of the transfer of   “Manufacturer’s” control. Any cost in excess of the
             property. If the transfer occurs within this transfer period, the   prorated adjustment will be the owner’s responsibility.
             second owner is entitled to the same coverage as the original   4.  Contact the “Manufacturer’s” Warranty Department by
             owner. If the transfer occurs after the transfer period, the
             warranty to the subsequent owner will be limited to one year   phone at (800) 545-1191, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Pacific
             from the date of the real estate title transfer.       Time.
                                                                Shipments of notices or packages may be sent to:
             To transfer the warranty, the current holder of the warranty
             must complete the online warranty transfer form found on   Warranty Department
                                                                Malarkey Roofing Products
    or contact the “Manufacturer’s”
             Warranty Department (see Claims Procedure) in writing within   3131 N. Columbia Blvd.
             thirty (30) days from the date the title of the property changed.   Portland, OR 97217
             The following information must be provided:        THE LIMITED PRODUCT WARRANTY IS THE ONLY
              1.  The name and address of the current holder of the   EXPRESSED WARRANTY  MADE BY THE “MANUFACTURER”
                warranty                                        IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE OF ITS PRODUCT. NO
              2. The date of the original completed installation  REPRESENTATIVE OF THE “MANUFACTURER” OR ANY OTHER
                                                                PERSON HAS ANY AUTHORITY WHATSOEVER TO ACCEPT
              3. Proof of purchase                              FROM OR FOR THE “MANUFACTURER”, ANY ADDITIONAL OR
              4.  The address where the warranted underlayment(s)    DIFFERENT LIABILITY OR RESPONSIBILITY FOR BORAL PLY
                are installed                                   40 UNDERLAYMENT. THE “MANUFACTURER” SHALL NOT BE
                                                                LIABLE FOR DAMAGE TO ANY BUILDING OR ITS CONTENTS
              5. The name and address of the new owner, and     OR INJURY TO PERSONS OR FOR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL
              6. The date of title transfer                     DAMAGES RESULTING FROM BREACH OF THE WARRANTY
                                                                OR ANY OTHER WARRANTY OR CONDITION, IMPLIED BY
             If the “Manufacturer” is not notified of the transfer as outlined   LAW OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY
             above, the warranty shall not transfer, and the “Manufacturer”   OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS. SOME STATES DO NOT
             will have no further liability.                    ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF INCIDENTAL

             CLAIMS PROCEDURE                                   OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, SO THIS EXCLUSION MAY
                                                                NOT BE APPLICABLE IN ALL STATES. THIS WARRANTY
               1.  The Approved Contractor should be contacted if there   GIVES SPECIFIC LEGAL RIGHTS, BUT THERE MAY BE OTHER
                is a suspected problem with the underlayment. If the   RIGHTS WHICH VARY STATE TO STATE AND PROVINCE TO
                Approved Contractor believes the underlayment may be   PROVINCE.
                at fault, the “Manufacturer” should be notified within 30
                days of discovery and prior to any repairs being made to   THE  PARTIES  AGREE  THAT  ANY  CONDITION  OR  CLAIMS
                the roof. The claim must be accompanied by the proof of   RELATING TO THIS WARRANTY SHALL FIRST BE SUBMITTED
                purchase.                                       TO MEDIATION UNDER THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY
              2.  The  “Manufacturer”  will  be given  the  opportunity  to   ARBITRATION AND MEDIATION RULES OF THE AMERICAN
                inspect the roof and be provided with samples before   ARBITRATION  ASSOCIATION  (OR  OTHER  MUTUALLY
                any steps are taken to repair the roof. Any repairs made   ACCEPTABLE ARBITRATOR). NO COURT OR OTHER TRIBUNAL
                prior to or during the investigation period without the   SHALL HAVE JURISDICTION UNTIL THE ARBITRATION IS
                “Manufacturer’s”  prior  written  approval  will  be  at  the   COMPLETED.
                owner’s expense.

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