Page 16 - Listado de precios Pertici-2019/2020
P. 16

MODELS                                                                                      EURO
            PC1R       CUTTING CENTER - LOAD ON RIGHT SIDE                                           89.000,00
            PC1L       CUTTING CENTER - LOAD ON LEFT SIDE                                            89.000,00

            OPTIONS                                                                                     EURO
            VA002      Extra price for longer unit for bars 7 mts long                                2.600,00
            Z00778     STUDY OF PROFILES AND POSSIBLE COUNTER PROFILES                                  T.B.D.
            Z00771     Software upgrade SC55 WIN CE to the last version                               1.000,00
            Z00770     Software upgrade  SC55 DOS to the last version (2009)                          1.500,00
            Z00616CE   Hardware and software upgrade from SC55 DOS to WIN CE                          4.500,00
            Z00613     Device for the electronic measurement of the profile height                      500,00
            Z00606     Gasket clamping unit                                                                                                 9.300,00
            57329/160  Carbide saw blade 500 mm.  (for spare)                                           650,00
            42571      Unloading table with belt                                                         6.300,00
            Z01410    Intermediate degrees, option, from 135° to 45° (Not compatible with electronic measurement
            of the profile height option Code. Z00613)                                                                                                6.600,00
            Z01630     Bar code reader                                                                  350,00

                                                          - 16 -  This Price List cancels and replaces the previuos one
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