P. 3
The paper estimates the impact of a nuclear Pakistan and India may have 400-500
exchange between India and Pakistan. Not nuclear weapons by 2025 with yields from
only would this cause enormous regional 12 kilotons to a few hundred kilotons.
devastation, but it would also have a
catastrophic effect on the entire globe. If India uses 100 strategic weapons to
attack urban areas and Pakistan uses 150
The Research was carried out carried out by weapons, 50-125 million people would die..
researchers from the University of Smoke from the nuclear-ignited fires will
Colorado , Boulder ; Rutgers University- rise into the upper troposphere and spread
New Brunswick ; the U.S. National Center for globally within weeks.
Atmospheric Research etc.
Surface sunlight would decrease by 20-35
The research estimated that a war between % and lead to cooling of the earth's surface
the two nations could cause between 50 by 2-5 deg C . Precipitation would reduce by
million and 125 million deaths 15-30 % . Recovery would take more than 10
within days of a nuclear years . Production of primary food in Land
exchange. and Oceans will decline by 15 % , leading to
global starvation
v o l a t i l e U n c e r t a i n C o m p l e x A m b i g u o u s
S o u r c e : S C I E N C E A D V A N C E S , O C T 2 O c t o b e r 2 0 1 9