P. 5

Kipchoge covered the 26.2 miles in 1:59:40 ,          Kipchoge previously fell 25 seconds shy of

         breaking  his  own  record  for  the  fastest         the  mark  in  Italy  in  2017,  but  with  an

         marathon ever run.                                    improved,  larger  group  of  pacemakers

                                                               supporting  him,  and  crowds  lining  the

         While it does not count as an official world            Vienna circuit giving him an extra boost, he
         r e c o r d  d u e  t o  t h e  u s e  o f  r o t a t i n g   was able to improve his time by nearly half-

         pacemakers and a guide car, the Kenyanʼs              a-minute  to  break  a  barrier  that  once

         achievement  is  remarkable,  averaging  a            seemed impenetrable

         pace of four and a half minutes per mile to

         breach the two hour barrier.                          Kipchoge also holds the official marathon

                                                               record ‒ a time of 2:01:39 set at the Berlin

         “I  have  tried  to  inspire  many  people,  you      Marathon last year.

         can do it. Itʼs dedication, it was a hard run,”

         Kipchoge said after finishing.                         Among  the  spectators  were  the  34-year-

                                                               oldʼs wife and three children, and Kipchoge

                                                               gave his thanks to his family at the finish.

                                                               “It means a lot to Kenya, running under two

                                                               hours,  together  we  can  make  a  beautiful


               v o l a t i l e   U n c e r t a i n   C o m p l e x A m b i g u o u s

     S o u r c e :  T H E  I N D E P E N D E N T                                                 O c t o b e r  2 0 1 9
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