P. 9

A team of Researchers from  the Institute of           Positive masses attract each other, and if  a

         Theoretical  Physics  in  Vienna  ,  the              negative mass arises, gravity will become a

         Bruxelles  University  in  Belgium  and  IIT          repulsive force.

         Kanpur  in  India  have  combined  forces  to

         find out if negative energy is a possibility.          Quantum  theory,  however,  allows  for

         According to their study, it turns out that it        negative energy and it is possible to borrow

         is possible ̶ it can be borrowed, much like           energy from   space. Grumiller continued ,
         money  from  a  bank,  but  it  also  has  to  be     "For a long time, we did not know about the

         returned.                                             maximum  amount  of  this  kind  of  energy

                                                               credit and about possible interest rates that

         The  theory  of  general  relativity  makes  us       have to be paid. Various assumptions about

         assume  that  "the  energy  is  greater  than         this  "interest"  (known  in  the  literature  as

         zero,  at  all  times  and  everywhere  in  the       "Quantum Interest") have been published,

         Universe," said   Professor  Grumiller ,              but  no  comprehensive  result  has  been

                             Vienna. If we follow  the  theory  of  agreed upon."

                                      general  relativity, this  would
                                          mean that  negative energy  By  linking  relative  theory  and  quantum

                                                      means negative mass.  physics,  it  was  found  that  energy  that  is

                                                               lower  than  zero  is  then  permissible,  but

                                                               only in a specific range, and for a specific

                                                               time limit.

               v o l a t i l e   U n c e r t a i n   C o m p l e x A m b i g u o u s

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