P. 11

Aleph  Farms,  an  Israeli  food  company,            Aleph Farms collaborated with the Russian

         announced on Oct 7 th that its experiment             company 3D Bioprinting Solutions and two

         aboard  the  International  Space  Station            U.S.-based  food  companies  to  test  this

         resulted in the first-ever lab-grown meat in           method in space.

         space.   The company focuses on growing

         cultivated beef steaks, or growing an entire          On Sept. 26, the team established a proof of

         piece  of  real,  edible  meat  out  of  just  a      concept  when  the  astronauts  performing
         couple  of  cells,  in  this  case,  bovine  cell     the test were able to produce a small piece

         spheroids, in a lab.                                  of cow muscle tissue on the space station.

                                                               The experiment took place inside of a 3D

         On  the  space  station,  the  experiment             bioprinter .

         involved  growing  a  piece  of  meat  by

         mimicking  a  cow's  natural  muscle-tissue           B i o p r i n t i n g  i s  a  p r o c e s s  i n  w h i c h

         regeneration process.                                 biomaterials,  like  animal  cells,  are  mixed

                                                               with  growth  factors  and  the  material

                                                               "bioink,"  and  "printed"  into  a  layered
                                                               structure.  In  this  case,  the  resulting

                                                               structure is a piece of muscle tissue.

               v o l a t i l e   U n c e r t a i n   C o m p l e x A m b i g u o u s

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