P. 13
The surgeries were performed on patients The success of the project has the potential
with atherosclerosis, a condition where to dramatically improve the access of
plaque builds up in the blood vessels and doctors to patients with heart and stroke
restricts blood flow. In this special remote ailments, especially in rural and under-
procedure, a robot called the CorPath GRX served areas. Chief minister Vijay Rupani
robot was used by Dr. Patel - who was said the government will explore the use of
connected to the robot through a high this technology to provide quality and
speed internet connection . The Operating specialized healthcare to rural areas.
Rooms were fitted with multiple precision
cameras. Dr Patel has been widely using robotics for
Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI)
Telemedicine and Telesurgery merge the or heart surgery, but this is the first time in
fields of robotics, mixed reality, and the world that the surgery was conducted
communications to deliver medical and from a remote location outside the
surgical care to patients in remote operation thea tre.
locations. These advancements could
soon decentralize healthcare and "This procedure could have been done with
help deal with shortages of a 20mbps connectivity speed as well. I
skilled doctors around believe this will not just transform coronary
the world. (heart related) intervention, but the entire
vascular ( blood vessels) space. It has the
capability of changing the lives of millions
of people living in rural areas,"
Dr Patel shared.
v o l a t i l e U n c e r t a i n C o m p l e x A m b i g u o u s
S o u r c e : A H O N A S E N G U P T A O c t o b e r 2 0 1 9