P. 15

Collectively , they formed a Climate Strike           Ridhima Pandey from Uttarakhand , is just

         Movement called Fridays for Future. After             11 years of age and is a Climate Activist. She

         Greta  addressed  the  2018  UN  Climate              is one of the members of the young group of

         Change  Conference  ,  student  strikes  took         activists who filed a suit last week against
         place every week somewhere in the world.              Argentina , Brazil , France , Germany   and

         By 2019 , millions of school students around          Turkey  relating  to  the  UN  Convention  on

         the world joined the movement.                        the Rights of the Child . The leaders of these

                                                               5 countries are being blamed   for causing

         Greta is known for her blunt speaking . She           the most pollution and putting at risk the

         has adopted lifestyle choices to reduce her           future of generations to follow.

         carbon footprint - including giving up air

         travel and eating meat. Greta featured on a           Ridhima  was just nine years old when she

         Time Magazine cover , which named her a               filed a complaint with the National Green

         next generation leader and a role model.              Tribunal    against  the  Indian  Government

                                                               for its inaction in tackling Climate Change
          .                                                    and  meet  the  Standards  set  by  the  Paris

                                                               Agreement in India.

                                                               She  wants  the  Government  to  prepare  a

                                                               Carbon Budget  ; Create a National Climate

                                                               Recovery Plan ; Reduce the use of Fossil

                                                                              Fuels ; Improve Agricultural and

                                                                                    Forestry  Practices .

               v o l a t i l e   U n c e r t a i n   C o m p l e x A m b i g u o u s

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