P. 20
Indeed, this is a time of change and change Human and machine collaboration is
happens fast. Those able to understand paramount for organizations. Having the
that the future includes living, working, co- right mindset for AI means being at ease
existing, and collaborating with AI are set with the concept of human+machine,
to succeed in the coming years. On the leaving the mindset of human Vs. machine
other hand, those who neglect the fact that behind. Thanks to AI, factories are now
business transformation in the digital age requiring a little more humanity; and AI is
d e p e n d s o n h u m a n a n d m a c h i n e boosting the value of engineers and
collaboration will inevitably be left behind. manufacturers.
Humans and machines can complement The emergence of AI is creating brand new
e a c h o t h e r r e s u l t i n g i n i n c r e a s i n g roles and opportunities for humans up and
productivity. This collaboration could down the value chain. From workers in the
increase revenue by 38 % by 2022 , assembly line and maintenance specialists
according to Accenture Research. At least to robot engineers and operations
61 % of Business Leaders agree that managers, AI is regenerating the concept
the intersection of human and and meaning of work in an industrial
machine collaboration is setting.
going to help
v o l a t i l e U n c e r t a i n C o m p l e x A m b i g u o u s
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