P. 23
His fifth and final dive in a prototype The last leg of the "Five Deeps Expedition"
submersible was made to the bottom of the was concluded on 24 August when the
Arctic's Molloy Trench, some 5.5km (3.4 explorer reached a spot known as the
miles) below the sea surface. Molloy Hole, which is about 275km (170
m i l e s ) w e s t o f N o r w a y ' s S v a l b a r d
This followed dives during the past 10 archipelago.
months to the floor of the Pacific, Indian,
Southern and Atlantic oceans. The recorded depth on the solo dive was
5,550m, plus or minus 14m. It is the first
His team also visited the wreck of the time any human has been to this location.
Titanic. All of Vescovo's dives were made
using the 12-tonne Deep Sea Vehicle (DSV) Vescovo spoke of his deep gratitude to the
Limiting Factor. people who had worked with him. His
adventurous spirit has led him to ski to both
poles and to climb the highest mountains
on every continent.
The Five Deeps science team says it has
discovered upwards of 40 new species in
the process . Vescovo is now getting ready
to go into space.
v o l a t i l e U n c e r t a i n C o m p l e x A m b i g u o u s
S o u r c e : B B C S C I E N C E O c t o b e r 2 0 1 9