P. 25
Cut to 2016, Mumbai. While cleaning his And one fine day, he received Bradman's
wardrobe, 74-year-old Dattatraya B reply, confirming that he had solved the
Pulekar found a very old letter. puzzle correctly.
Reading it, he remembered a long- 'I congratulate you because it was not by
forgotten story. The letter, dated February any means easy. I hope you received as
22, 1965, was sent to Pulekar by Bradman, much pleasure working on it as I did,' Sir
congratulating him for successfully solving Don wrote to D B Pulekar.
the puzzle. And guess what, he did it in
three days -- something that that foxed There was no further correspondence
Bradman for about two decades. After between Bradman and D B Pulekar. As Sir
reading about the puzzle, Dattatraya Don said, the puzzle is by no means easy.
Pulekar, then a young man in his twenties, Most of the solutions to it available on the
started searching for it. Pulekar Sr got Internet run into thousands of words.
Bradman's address from the TOI and
sent the Don his solution. Even by doing a ball by ball analysis of the
scoreboard, one may not reach a solution
because it is very hard to gauge which of the
overs were maiden overs until one applies
the theory of elimination.
So, do you want to give it a try? Have fun .
v o l a t i l e U n c e r t a i n C o m p l e x A m b i g u o u s
S o u r c e : U T K A R S H M I S H R A , R E D I F F. C O M O c t o b e r 2 0 1 9