P. 21

According  to  Paul  Daugherty  and  James            Scale: Unilever adopted an AI-based hiring

         Wilson    ,  AI  is  transforming  business           system  that  assesses  candidate's  body

         processes in  the following ways:                     language  and  personality  traits  and

                                                               accelerates number of recruitments ( from
         F l e x i b i l i t y :   A   c h a n g e   f r o m   r i g i d   15000 to 30000)  and speed of recruitments

         m a n u f a c t u r i n g  p r o c e s s e s  t o  s m a r t   ( 4 weeks instead of  4 months) .

         individualized  production  meeting

         customer  choices.  This  is  particularly            Decision  Making:  Using  machine  learning

         visible  in  the  automotive  manufacturing           and AI a huge amount of data can be quickly

         industry  where  customers  can  customize            made  available  to  managers  ,  staff  and

         their  vehicle  at  the  dealership.  They  can       w o r k e r s  s o  t h a t  p r o b l e m s  c a n  b e

         choose  everything  from  dashboard                   anticipated  and solved much faster .

         components  to  the  seat  leather  ,  to  tire

         valve  caps.  For  instance,  at  Stuttgart's         Robotics and AI will replace some jobs

         Mercedes-Benz assembly line there are no               liberating humans for other kinds of
         two vehicles that are the same.                        tasks, many  that do not yet exist.

         Speed: On the spot detection of credit card

         fraud using AI helps speed up processing of


               v o l a t i l e   U n c e r t a i n   C o m p l e x A m b i g u o u s

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