Page 15 - 2019-2020 Annual Report v3
P. 15

Census 2020                                             Executive Director Leadership Institute

      By forming the Mendocino County Complete Count          The Executive Director Leadership Institute celebrated its
      Committee (MCCCC), we convened representatives          inaugural year, with 19 executive directors participating.
      from education, local government, tribal leaders,       Led by the Community Foundation, the Institute brings
      health care, the LatinX community, and many             together skilled leaders from throughout the county to
      non-profits in a county-wide collaborative effort to get   help non-profit directors learn and grow.
      a complete count of local residents in the 2020
      Census. Because census-derived funding is essential     Non-profits in Mendocino County have unique struggles
      for projects and programs in our communities, it made   and new executives need a wide array of skills to succeed.
      perfect sense for the Community Foundation to           The Institute offers the opportunity to learn new leadership
      spearhead the work of engaging our communities on       skills, engage with a network of organizations, develop
      a grassroots level.                                     deep relationships between participants, and explore ways
                                                              we can grow together as a community.
      Federal funding allocations are based on census
      numbers.  Census-derived funds support school           While excited to continue the momentum generated in the
      lunches, mental health services, fire management,       first year of the Institute, due to the pandemic, we are
      children’s health insurance, education, veteran care,   shifting to an interactive online webinar series for the
      wildlife restoration, business grants, highway construction,   foreseeable future.  By filling this critical need, especially
      poverty abatement, water pollution control, and         with the number of organizations experiencing leadership
      housing for the elderly. By using our community         turnover due to founding or long-time directors retiring,
      connections to ensure all of our “hard-to-count”        the Institute will help to transition the leadership that will
      neighbors were engaged in this important effort, we     determine the nature of Mendocino County’s non-profit
      worked together to provide essential funding that will   landscape in the future.
      strengthen our county for the decade to come.
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