Page 16 - 2019-2020 Annual Report v3
P. 16

Hunger Express Poverty Fund

                                                                     It has been a long-held dream of Carrie Brigham to
                                                                    have her own fund at the Community Foundation, one
                                                                    that is now realized. “When the Community Foundation
                                                                    started 25 years ago, I remember telling (founder)
                                                                    Bob Armanino, ‘One day I’ll have my own fund there
                                                                   to help people in need,’” says Carrie. Food insecurity
                                                                   has always been close to her heart, and it was a natural
                                                                   fit for her to establish the Hunger Express Poverty Fund
                                                                   to provide immediate and emergency hunger relief
                                                                   for the homeless, hungry, food-insecure, and those
                                                                   affected by natural disasters in Mendocino County.
                                                                   “I’ve prepared meals for over 50,000 people since 2013,”
                                                                   she says. “On Christmas day I walk the rails and hand
                                                                   out sandwiches. As a result, I know almost every person
                                                                   experiencing homelessness in our community. Because I
                                                                   talk to them and feed them, I let them know they are
                                                                    important and someone cares.” Carrie embraces
                                                                    generosity and kindness every day, and her heartfelt
                                                                    acts of giving not only impact people now but will
                                                                    ripple decades into the future.

                                                                     “Even if I only make an inch of difference, I want to
                                                                     leave my community a better place and want to
                                                                      continue to grow my fund,” she says. For this
                                                                      reason, Carrie became a Partner in Philanthropy
                                                                      (PIP) and has named the fund as a beneficiary of
                                                                       her life insurance policy, ensuring it will grow
                                                                       significantly upon her death. PIPs encourage
                                                                        others to look toward the future and think about
                                                                         ways they can create an enduring impact on the
                                                                         causes they care about, and we are thrilled to
                                                                          have Carrie among them.

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