Page 25 - CFCM Nov-Dec-2020 Final_Neat
P. 25

designed to be resistant to solvents,  fecting the long-term performance of
                                           acids, oil, water, and dust.       coatings on steel structures, and Posi-
                                              The PosiTest LPD and HHD units  Tector meters can be used to monitor
                                           can help ensure there are no defects  environmental conditions before, dur-
                                           or discontinuities present that expose  ing and after painting. An electronic
                                           the substrate, after a protective coating  Dew Point Meter (DPM) determines
                                           has been applied. Small areas of thin  the likelihood of dew forming on struc-
                                           or missing coating, known either as  tures being painted.
                                           “pinholes” or “holidays”, can become   Additionally, the PosiTector IRT in-
                                           foci for corrosion, and can seriously  frared thermometer is a non-contact
                                           reduce the life of a protective coating  gauge that uses a button-activated laser
                                           system. A holiday detector is a non-  pointer for accurate targeting. It offers
                                           destructive instrument used for detect-  seven pre-set material options, and the
                                           ing these discontinuities.         user can select a custom emissivity
                                              The low voltage (wet sponge) LPD  value, or adjust to a known tempera-
                                           are typically used on coating systems  ture.
                                           less than 500 µm (20 mils) thick. High   The Statistics Scan mode on the in-
                                           voltage spark testers, like the  strument continually displays and up-
                                           PosiTest HHD, operate at voltages up  dates average or standard deviation,
                                           to 35,000 volts and are typically used  minimum-maximum surface tempera-
                                           on coatings more than 500 µm (20  ture, and number of readings, while
                                           mils) thick.                       measuring one reading per second.
                                              Environmental conditions during   Elcometer hails its model 311 Au-
         DeFelsko’s PosiTector SPG measuring device.  pre-treatment and application of a  tomotive Paint Meter as being the
                                           coating system are major factors af-  fastest automotive paint gauge on the

                                      CAnADIAn FInISHInG & COATInGS MAnuFACTuRInG   25
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