Page 22 - CFCM Nov-Dec-2020 Final_Neat
P. 22


                                                                              Venjakob’s VEN ACTIVATE FLAME flame treatment unit
            PPG X-BOND Pretreatment is a zir-  multiple options in conversion coatings   for activating workpiece surfaces prior to coating.
         conium-based, thin-film pretreatment   for metal pretreatment in dip or spray
         system that prepares steel, galvanized   applications.
         steel and aluminum substrates for paint   “Our extensive technology range   The company says its Zirconate
         adhesion. With performance equivalent   covers traditional conversion coat-  coating range offers new pre-treatment
         to that of iron phosphates, it provides   ings, but also new generation   solutions as a substitute for zinc and
         corrosion resistance and is compatible   coatings as green alternatives to con-  iron phosphating. The thin-film con-
         with low application temperatures.   ventional phosphating processes,”  version coating provides paint adhe-
            Henkel’s Bonderite division offers   Bonderite says.              sion and corrosion protection, while

                                        X CLEANING X PRE-TREATMENT X COATING X DRYING X AUTOMATION

                                                                                   CUSTOMIZED FINISHING
                                                                                   TECHNOLOGY FOR
                                                                                   CHALLENGING SURFACES

                                                                                   Venjakob North America Inc.
                                                                                   130 Healey Road, Unit #18
                                                                                   Bolton, Ontario | L7E 5B3
                                                                                   Phone: 905 951 99 66
                                                                                   Nutro Inc. |

         22   CAnADIAn FInISHInG & COATInGS MAnuFACTuRInG                           nOvEMbER/DECEMbER 2020
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