Page 19 - CFCM Nov-Dec-2020 Final_Neat
P. 19

If you’re having
                                                                                issues with your
                                                                                standard silicone
         ExPAnDAbLE CAPS
         These are some of the more highly                                      caps popping off
         engineered masks that powder coaters                                   during powder
         and e-coaters will come across.                                        coating, one quick
         Expand caps/plugs combine high-                                        solution is making a
         temperature resistant plastic with                                     very small slit or
         silicone rubber in a way that expands
         when the handle is pulled down in                                      poking a hole in the
         order to seal the metal from having                                    top of the cap.
         any e-coat leak in, while also prevent-
         ing it from popping off.
           While this does make them a more                                   upon itself while you apply powder
         expensive option, it’s more than worth                               to your part, while also giving it the
         the price due to the cost savings from                               ability to release pressure as it goes
         minimal installation and removal times                               through the baking process.
         and a decrease in rejection rate.                                      Caps and plugs do pop out, so
                                              Expandable cap that grips onto tube as the    you’re definitely not alone. Luckily,
         QuICk FIx SOLuTIOn                   lever is pressed down, resulting in expansion    there are options such as vented
         FOR CAPS                                   of the cap’s internal area.  plugs, even for larger-scale coaters.
         If you’re having issues with your stan-  tential cap blowouts.       There are plenty of different designs
         dard silicone caps popping off during   Won’t this result in powder getting  you can explore using, each with its
         powder coating, one quick solution is  in? If you poke a large hole, then  own pros and cons. n
         making a very small slit or poking a  yes. But, the nice part about using
         hole in the top of the cap. This will al-  rubber is that a small enough hole   Lee Lechner is Digital Marketing Specialist,
         low pressure to escape, preventing po-  will result in the rubber still closing   Echo Engineering.

                                      CAnADIAn FInISHInG & COATInGS MAnuFACTuRInG   19
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