Page 15 - CFCM Nov-Dec-2020 Final_Neat
P. 15

Also, of great interest to us and hopefully to you too, is
                                                            an upcoming CASF Survey of our members. This has been
                                                            a subject of interest for us at our last two Board meetings.
                                                            We will be trying to focus in on your biggest concerns and
                                                            how we can help you with them. We make assumptions
                                                            all the time and sometimes we are wrong, and we feel that
                                                            if we give you the opportunity to tell us what’s on your
         had a lot of interest. With the continuing pandemic and  mind, whatever that is, you’ll do that, enabling us to better
         travel restrictions, we are working out the details of running  serve your needs.
         the course online.                                    CASF Board members are all volunteers but are always
           We also feel the benefits of an online course will be   here for you. Our members across Canada and beyond
         reduced travel costs, elimination of the hotel and meal  value our advocacy on their behalf at all government levels
         charges, and make taking this valuable educational course  including our relationship with the MOE. That advocacy
         easier to access for those interested located in all parts of  can be seen as we recognize regulatory changes, understand
         Canada and beyond. Details are being firmed up and if  their potential impact on your business and support you in
         you have interest or have employees who wish to improve  managing change as a result of that emerging legislation.
         their value to the company, please see our website for    We are also closely involved with authorities in advising
         details shortly.                                   on and compiling Technical Standards that directly affect
           I have mentioned the Orr & Boss Economic Impact  our industry. If this, and other support and programs are
         Study on our Surface Finishing Industry several times in  something you think your company can benefit from,
         these columns and many of you have shown interest in  please give us a call and join us by visiting our website. n
         the content of that report. Starting in our next CFCM
         column, we will be serializing this material and sharing it   Bob Smith is President, Canadian Association for Surface Finishing
         with you. We encourage feedback from you and this can   (CASF),
         best be done on our website.

                                      CAnADIAn FInISHInG & COATInGS MAnuFACTuRInG   15
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