Page 47 - CFCM Nov-Dec-2020 Final_Neat
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Cooperation Council (RCC), urging in- ther not chemically compatible, and/or
tervention to resolve issues related to alter other properties or performance
regulation of biocides used in paint of the mixtures, in some cases this ren-
formulations. CPCA continues to stress ders them useless in prevention and
the critical importance of streamlining the control of biofouling, and/or are
Canadian regulations between Canada not cost-effective and competitive,” the
and the United States for biocides and ACA says. “This can also lead to health
many other substances. issues via biocontamination for those
While many antimicrobials are rou- handling the products. This is under-
tinely reviewed on both sides of the mining national paint manufacturing
border by the USEPA and PMRA, there activities in Canada as it forces Cana-
are still differences between the two dian small and medium enterprises
agencies with respect to their publi- (SMEs) to discontinue key product
cation schedule and timing, risk as- lines and/or abandon critical supplies
sessment methodologies, re-evalua- coming from the United States.”
tion decisions and use registrations. Without in-can biocide preserva-
This has led to trade disruptions due tives, leftover water-based paint re-
to non-alignment and production is- cycling would not be possible due
sues with manufactured products and to product breakdown and microbial
treated articles. contamination.
For example, the U.S. EPA recently In early November, CPCA engaged
published draft risk assessments for a with PMRA officials and recommended
class of antimicrobials called isothia- striking a working group to work with
zolinones (ITAs) and CPCA is con- the CPCA on all matters related to re-
cerned that the prospect of pending evaluation of biocides for paint and
decisions by EPA would further limit coatings. The PMRA agreed and CPCA
critical uses of biocides, namely ITAs worked with them on the terms of ref-
used in product formulations in the erence for the working group which
coatings sector. It is a big issue consid- will commence before year-end.
ering 50 percent of all coatings products Clearly, preservatives play an im-
sold in Canada are imported from the portant role in coating formulation and
United States, and inconsistencies are a overall product performance, and like
non-tariff barrier to trade and not in the with any recipe, tinkering with one The CFCM website features:
spirit or intent of the recently signed part affects all of the others. Currently, News, Back Issues,Buyers Guide,
United States-Mexico-Canada Agree- CPCA is fully engaged with the ongo- Event Photos,People,
ment (USMCA), the ACA says. ing paint cluster re-evaluation com- New Products for Finishing and
CPCA has said the Canadian paint prising assessments of material preser- Coatings Manufacturing.
and coatings industry is already deal- vative uses of sodium omadine, ziram,
ing with a severe lack of availability folpet, dazomet, chlorothalonil, and a Check it out Today
and numerous chemical incompatibil- special review of diodofon. Some of and Every Day!
ity issues with the current, limited these will have restricted uses and pos-
number of registered biocides for sible bans. CPCA says it will continue
Please send Theresa Rogers
paint for in-can and dry-film preser- to work with its members to provide
vation, which is more limited than in relevant data to retain these ingredients
all your News, New Products, Price
the United States. for the paint industry.
Changes, People Announcements
Canadian paint manufacturers have “All the available data must be fully
been required to reformulate their considered when making re-evalua- For Advertising please contact
products due to actions taken by the tion decisions on critical inputs for Gillian Thomas 1-416-277-1269
PMRA, leaving the industry with an in- the coatings industry, which clearly
sufficient number of registered bio- has far-reaching consequences on
cides or possible alternatives for the product integrity, product selection
foreseeable future. and price, Canadian trade and manu-
“The remaining PMRA-registered facturing, and sustainability overall,”
biocides for paint and coatings are ei- LeRoux says. n CAnADIAn FInISHInG & COATInGS MAnuFACTuRInG 47