Page 51 - CFCM Nov-Dec-2020 Final_Neat
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measuring large, cumbersome samples that a traditional benchtop PPG Debuts Envirocron HTE Max Extreme Corrosion
spectrophotometer is unable to handle, the company says. ColorRead- Polyester Powder Topcoat
er Spectro can be easily integrated with a customer’s existing software PPG recently announced the introduction of its Envirocron HTE Max
or Datacolor’s Paint software. extreme corrosion polyester powder topcoat. It features high transfer efficiency in a single coat to protect large truck wheels and agricultur-
al, heavy-duty and industrial equipment, the company says.
Chemcraft Releases Smooth New Surfacing Product PPG says the coating delivers first-pass transfer efficiency rates of
85 percent or better and is
designed for applications
where ease, durability and
performance on complex
metal parts and surfaces
are paramount. The coat-
ing offers up to three
times the corrosion resist-
ance of traditional single-
coat powders, PPG adds.
“PPG Envirocron HTE Max coating also generates significantly less
waste than traditional powder coatings due to its exceptional first-
Chemcraft Industrial Wood Coatings launched OmniBuild Pro, a new pass transfer efficiency rates, helping customers increase the sustain-
primer surfacer designed for challenging substrate variations, while ability of their operations and products,” says Jamie White, PPG
building a thick and smooth foundation for topcoating. TRUEFINISH segment specialist. “It also offers excellent color and
OmniBuild Pro, a Conversion Varnish Primer, has a high-solids for- gloss retention, which helps parts look better and last longer.”
mulation that provides superior build, sag resistance and hide, Chem-
craft says. It’s easy to apply, sands quickly and has a fast stack time.
“Our goal was to develop the ultimate primer surfacer for even the Asterion Introduces TECHNIBRITE SN 200
most challenging substrates like routed MDF - one that, with a single Bright Tin Plating System
coat, provides the ultimate surface for topcoating,” says Ron Cooper, The TECHNIBRITE SN 200 tin plating system was recently introduced
AkzoNobel Segment Manager, Chemcraft, North America. “We’re very by Asterion, LLC. The system is suited for both barrel and rack appli-
excited to bring this leading-edge technology to our distributors and cations to impart lustrous, bright tin deposits.
end users.” • Asterion says TECHNIBRITE SN 200 requires only two proprietary
Field testing for the product was handled by Chemcraft Distributor chemical processes. System components include:
Wurth Louis. “OmniBuild Pro is user-friendly, has excellent vertical • TECHNIBRITE SN 200 Make Up provides the proper concentration
hang and is fast-drying,” says Adam Egbert, Coatings Sales Specialist, of wetter, coupler, ductilizers, and low current density brightener.
Wurth Louis. “It has a 24-hour pot life and works with all spray sys- • Stannous Tin (used in make-up) provides the desired metal con-
tems and flat line machinery.” centration. • TECHNIBRITE SN 200 Maintenance is the brightener component
that can be added on an ampere hour basis. CAnADIAn FInISHInG & COATInGS MAnuFACTuRInG 51