Page 53 - CFCM Nov-Dec-2020 Final_Neat
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paints; it is a complete set of solutions for the body shops of the  capable of moving free- and non-free-flowing bulk materials from
         future. Customers can benefit from new, ergonomic mixing stations  large pellets to sub-micron powders, including products that pack,
         that can be tailored to their individual needs. An additional web-based  cake, seize, smear, fluidize, break apart or separate, with no separa-
         reporting tool helps body shop managers keep tabs on business oper-  tion of blended products.
         ations. To make customers, insurance companies, fleets, car manu-  Ready to plug-in-and-run, the mobile system is equipped with a
         facturers and other stakeholders aware of the quality and  NEMA-4 control panel and user-friendly HMI interface, allowing the
         sustainability standards of the body shop, a certified auditing program  operator to vary operation of the dust collection system and conveyor
         has also been established.                         to serve varied processes, and then roll the system to a cleaning sta-
           The new line, including all additional services, will be rolled out  tion or storage area between uses.
         under BASF’s refinish brands Glasurit and R-M globally beginning in   The unit is constructed of carbon steel with durable industrial finish,
         Q3 2020 in selected countries.                     and available with stainless steel contact surfaces or in all-stainless                                       models.
         Mobile Bag Dump Station Allows Bulk
         Material Transfer Throughout a Plant               Evonik Launches New Bio-Defoamer

         A new mobile Bag Dump Station with flexible screw conveyor and bag  Evonik has launched a new bio-defoamer with EcoLabel for architec-
         compactor allows bulk material transfer from handheld sacks, pails  tural paints.
         and boxes into elevated process equipment and storage vessels   TEGO Foamex 18 and adds a unique property profile to the compa-
         throughout the plant.                              ny’s coatings additives line, Evonik says. The new defoamer consists
           Mounted on a mobile frame with locking casters and fold-down  of 98 percent vegetable oil, a renewable raw material. It is also the
         step, the dust-free system features a bag disposal chute through the  first bio-based defoamer from Evonik specifically developed for the
         sidewall of the hopper hood, allowing the operator to pass empty bags  architectural market. "
         directly into the bag compactor.  Dust generated from bag dumping,   “Our additives for water-based formulations have been in use for
         empty bag pass-through, and bag compaction is drawn away from the  decades,” says Nadia Lenhardt, Head of Market Segment Decorative
         operator, onto the system’s two cartridge filters. Automatic reverse-  Coatings, EMEA “The new bio-based additive is a consistent next step
         pulse air nozzles release short blasts of compressed air inside the fil-  in our efforts to enable sustainable formulations for bio-based paints.”
         ters at timed intervals causing dust build-up on the outer surfaces to   TEGO Foamex 18 is easy to process and suitable for both grind and
         fall into the hopper, conserving useable product. Filters are readily  let-down stages, Evonik says, and suitable for a wide range of formu-
         accessed by removing the interior baffle, and replaced using quick-  lations. The additive also meets the requirements of all relevant Eco-
         disconnect fittings.                               Labels such as the Blue Angel and EU Ecolabel.
           The compactor employs a pneumatic air cylinder capable of com-  “By continuously expanding the existing defoamer portfolio not only
         pressing up to 80 bags into a removable bin. The compactor’s main  in the architectural sector, but also for industrial, automotive, and
         door and flapper door within the bag disposal chute are equipped with  printing ink applications, Evonik Coating Additives offers the best pos-
         safety interlocks that prevent operation of the compactor unless both  sible solution for almost any desired formulation,” the company says.
         doors are closed.                        
           The hopper discharges into an enclosed flexible screw conveyor,
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