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           Waterous Holden Amey Hitchon LLP

                                   The End of the Temporary Lay-Off

           – Caitlin Turner

           As a result o f the COVID-19 pandemic,   Waterous Holden Amey Hitchon LLP Brantford, 20 Wellington St., Brantford.
           the Employment Standards Act, 2000
           (ESA) was amended so that employers   If the employment contract does not have a   the notice period, an employee is entitled to
           could temporarily lay-off employees for   valid ESA limitation clause, an employee is   the value of all benefits of their employment.
           the duration of the state of emergency,   likely to be entitled to pay-in-lieu of notice in  This includes their wage or salary, group
           plus six weeks. While it is certainly not   accordance with the common law. Common   benefits, pension contributions, car
           business as usual, the declared state   law (judge-made) notice is much more   allowance, and, depending on the terms of
           of emergency ended on July 24. Any   generous to employees than the ESA. How   the contract, any bonus that would have
           employee who is not recalled back to   much compensation an employee is entitled   been earned through the notice period.
           work before September 5, 2020 can    to under the common law is dependent   If an employee is being offered a termination
           consider their employment terminated.   upon many factors, including the employee’s   package that exceeds their entitlement
                                                age, length of service, position within the
           At a minimum, an employee who is not   organization, and market conditions. The   under the ESA it is important that they sign
           recalled to work will be entitled to pay-in-  upper limit on notice is usually considered to   a release. The release should cover all claims
           lieu of notice pursuant to the ESA. How   be two years.                    that an employee could make related to their
           much an employee is entitled to under the                                  employment under the common law and all
           ESA depends on their years of service and   In modern times, judges have not   relevant statutes. Before signing a release,
           the size of the employer’s business. For an   considered the financial position of the   the employee should be given a reasonable
           organization with less than 50 employees   employer to be relevant when calculating   opportunity to consult a lawyer.
           or a payroll of less than $2,500,000, an   an employee’s entitlement to pay-in-lieu of   Ending an employee’s employment can
           employee could be entitled to up to 8   notice. We are, however, in unprecedented   definitely be expensive. It can be even
           weeks of pay-in-lieu of notice. For larger   times. During the recession of the 1980’s the   more expensive when litigation ensues. It
           organizations an employee with more than   courts were receptive to consideration of the   is generally in the best interests of both the
           5 years of service would also be entitled   employer’s ability to pay when calculating   employer and the employee to negotiate a
           “severance” of up to 26 weeks’ wages.   the notice period. It is difficult to predict   mutually agreeable settlement that allows
                                                how the courts will balance the competing
           An employee does not need to sign a   interests of employers and employees during   both parties to plan their futures and move
           release in order to receive the ESA minimum   these uncertain times.       forward in an amicable manner.
           payment. A release the provides only the
           ESA minimum is unlikely to be enforceable.   It is important to bear in mind that during

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