Page 51 - NARM Model for Working with Affect
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NARM Model For Working with Affect
§Getting closer to their primary emotions can be scary and distressing, so we support our client’s increasing capacity to tolerate and integrate these split-off core feelings
§Using the NARM Model, we help clients to experience these deep, difficult feelings from an increasingly embodied, adult perspective
§We support our clients by helping them track the physical sensation of their emotions
§We provide psychoeducation on the transitory nature of emotions - that these feelings are like waves, they come and they go
• People get stuck in emotions when they fight against them
§We support clients’ connection to their inner emotional world with
neutrality and curiosity
§Integrating once-threatening emotions feels liberating, enlivening and empowering
   NARM Model for Working with Affect Laurence Heller, PhD & Brad J Kammer, LMFT, LPCC 60

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