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226 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019
which can cross blood brain barrier (BBB) to reach this notorious tumor.
Tale of hyperthermia mediated nano targeted therapy
The natural magnetic nanoparticles extracted from magnetotactic bacteria, mainly Magnetospirillum magneticum or Magnetospirillum gryphiswaldense, are known as magnetosomes. These magnetosomes have been widely accepted in scientific community for their magnetic properties, low toxicity during interaction with living tissue and thermal efficiency. These qualities of magnetosomes were impressive and this led to their usage in Magnetic Fluid Hyperthermia (MFH). Hyperthermia is an application where malignant diseases are treated by administration of heat, whereas Magnetic Fluid Hyperthermia (MFH) delivers thermal energy to the target tumor cells by exposing magnetic nanoparticles (magnetosomes) to alternating magnetic field (AMF). You
must be wondering how it is done? Well, magnetosomes are injected into the tumor cells and AMF is applied, leading to rise of tumor temperature resulting in selective thermal omission of tumor cells without harming neighbouring healthy cells.
These magnetosomes are
extracted from magnetotactic
bacteria and purified. Magnetosomes are made more
stable by coating them with PLL
(Poly L Lysine) under sterile
conditions. For extraction
sonication methods are used
and magnetosomes are
extricated from the suspension
with the help of neodymium magnet. For coating PLL used has to be eight times more than concentration of magnetosomes. For hyperthermia treatments, first the mouse
glioma cell line is cultured and administered subcutaneously into female mice. After this tumor cell implantation, mice are divided into experimental groups and treatment starts after the tumor size reaches approximately 150 mm3. The in vivo study protocol must have approval from animal ethics committee. In hyperthermia treatment, alternate magnetic fieldisappliedwithgivenfrequencyatvarious different magnetic strength (mT). Tumor volumes are measured using calliper for approximately 250 days period study. Mice are euthanised when tumor volume exceeds 1000 mm3. Intratumor temperature at the center of tumor and temperature at the tumor surface is also obtained at each magnetic strength. Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) is calculated for these magnetosomes. Histological analysis and toxicity evaluation must also be done to prove the efficacy of these magnetosomes in shrinkage of these glioblastoma (GBM).
A recent shift is observed in research world towards the use of chains of magnetosomes to treat experimental models of glioma and its theranostic properties. With advances in science, the future of this notorious Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is bleak. However, neither GBM nor magnetosomes are easy to work with. But I guess that’s where the beauty lies, isn’t it? I think the bunch of scientists across the globe, are doing an amazing job unravelling the secrets of these tiny magnetic dudes dancing in the magnetic dizziness to kill the most
dangerous brain tumor.
As for me, the magnetic charm of these
magnetotactic bacteria pulled me out from bench work of research laboratory to my
   A recent shift is observed in research world towards the use of chains of magnetosomes to treat experimental models of glioma and its theranostic properties. With advances
in science, the future of
this notorious Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is bleak. However, neither GBM nor magnetosomes are easy to work with.

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