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 228 || AWSAR Awarded Popular Science Stories - 2019
Boosting the Superpower of Rice Bran Through Enzymatic Bioprocessingy
Ms. Sapna I.*
Rice bran is at a talk show called “Food Talk”
Host: Hello Everyone,
Our guest for today comes from a family well- accepted by half of the world’s population. He is blessed with many qualities which make him valuable.
Curious to know about our guest and his hidden qualities?
Then, without much delay let’s welcome our guest and know about the hidden qualities. Rice bran: Hello People, hope you all are doing good.
Oh! Before you all get thinking “who is this”? Let me introduce myself.
I am Rice bran.
Yea YeaYea... you got me right. I am the same
Rice bran used for oil production.
As your host mentioned, I have many other useful qualities other than just oil?
Hmmm... don’t get thinking.
Today I am here to tell you all about the less known facts about me.
Well... let’s start from the beginning.
As my first name says, I belong to the world’s second-largest grown crop Rice. I am the outer protective layer of rice.
Host: But why have you not seen you with the rice?
Rice bran: Because, I am separated from rice, during polishing in the rice milland called as milling by-product.
Host: Oh, Ok.
Rice bran:Let’s continue.
I am available in various colours such as red,
 * Ms. Sapna I., PhD Scholar from CSIR- Central Food Technological Research Institute, Mysuru, is pursuing her research on “Nutraceutical Components and Biopotency of Bioprocessed Pigmented Rice Bran”. Her popular science story entitled “Boosting the Superpower of Rice Bran Through Enzymatic Bioprocessing” has been selected for AWSAR Award.

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