Page 12 - Noble Magazine • July-August 2020-1
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         Business Continuity

             Continued from Page 11        conditions. Longer term outcomes   is  the  inadequate  level  of  financial
                                           will depend on the resilience and   literacy in Botswana. For the company,
         the  health of our communities    adaptability of financial services sector   financial  literacy  is  more  than  simply
         against preventable  diseases, we can   participants,” expressed Ferguson.  understanding how money works; it
         strengthen our communities and the                                 is the ability to comprehend the power
         health of future generations. Letshego                             of prudent financial management and
         Botswana’s sponsorship, valued at           “Being part of         how customers access and use money in
         over half a million Pula, trains and        a group with a         productive and value creating ways.  In
         mentors healthcare workers with        footprint across 11         November 2014, Letshego launched a
         the  latest trends  and policies  in the   sub Saharan countries   focused financial literacy campaign that
         administration and  management  of                                 empowers individuals  with the  basics
         effective  non-communicable  disease    in Africa, we gain         of personal financial management such
         (NCD) frameworks for primary health    from best practice          as  budgeting,  financial  planning  and
         care, across Botswana,” said Ferguson.       in technology         discipline in order to promote prudent
                                                  implementation,           financial management practices.
         Impressively,  Letshego  established  centralised research
         Corona Crisis Committees at Group and                              Further  to  that,  Letshego  also  equips
         country level to ensure that executives       and product          its  customer-facing employees  with
         are  directly  responsible  for  managing   development,           financial  literacy  tools,  including
         the multiple risks associated with the   marketing trends and      budgeting,  debt  management  and
         pandemic, and monitoring rapidly       efficiencies as well        investing, to support themselves and
         changing conditions. Letshego adopts   as opportunities for        customers. The  company’s  Facebook
         the latest national and international                              page also features regular updates for
         health  guidelines,  regularly  reminding   our own people to      the community on money matters.
         employees and customers on the best   take up permanent
         ways to maintain safe standards in   or temporary roles in         For Letshego Botswana, expansion
         hygiene and social distancing. The   other exciting growth         means increasing access, so they
         Company premises operate on a ‘Cohort’   markets to broaden
         system to minimise the spread of potential                         continue  to  expand  their  offering  and
                                                                            reach in order to be inclusive and
         infection, while ensuring hygiene and   their experience and
         social distancing protocols are adhered   career horizons.”        provide their financial solutions as well
         to at all times. Customers and employees                           as support to more people across the
         have  embraced  safety  initiatives  and                           country. In addition to the digital access
         protocols, as they understand the value   Ferguson added  that,  “In line  with   channels for customers, they have also
         in collective collaboration in preventing   Letshego’s commitment to continue   launched a mobile application  (App)
         the risks of the pandemic.        diversifying our products and customer   for  field  Direct  Sales  Agents  (DSAs)
                                           segments, we  are  developing and   to process loan customer applications,
         Outlook of the Financial          enhancing solutions for MSEs or   enabling   flexibility   and   allowing
         Services Sector                   “Micro and Small Entrepreneurs”.    customers to apply for loans from the
                                           MSEs remain a valuable  growth   comfort of their homes. The DSA App
         The  Botswana  financial  services  sector   segment for our economy, but many   has reduced historic turnaround times
         is robust, well regulated and attracts   small businesses typically struggle to   by 50%.
         healthy competition. Competition is   access funding and traditional financial
         a welcome factor in enhancing the   services. Cash flow and stock are often   In conclusion, Ferguson said, “Being
         sectors’ development and value for   the  top challenges  for many small   part of a group with a footprint across
         customers. “We are fortunate to have   businesses, and Letshego is focused on   11 sub Saharan countries in Africa, we
         a strong regulatory environment for   supporting business  owners to bridge   gain from best practice  in technology
         both bank and non-bank sectors, as   this gap by offering working capital and   implementation, centralised research
         this  ensures  general  sector  stability,   supply chain finance.”  and product development, marketing
         especially during more challenging                                 trends  and  efficiencies  as  well  as
         economic conditions. The pandemic will   Increasing Financial      opportunities  for our own people  to
         have a downward impact on the growth   Inclusion                   take up permanent or temporary roles
         of  financial  services  sector  this  year,                       in other exciting growth markets to
         the extent of which remains difficult to   Letshego  understands  that  one  of   broaden  their experience  and career
         predict  with  ever-changing  pandemic   its  core  financial  inclusion  realities   horizons.”
         12  Noble Magazine   //  July - August 2020
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