Page 16 - Noble Magazine • July-August 2020-1
P. 16


          Mitigating Strategies

          Bringing Possibility to Life

          During a Crisis

          By Vimal Kumar, Chief Executive:   with regulators  and governments   It is increasingly evident that the bank
          Retail and Business Banking,     acknowledging that we need to navigate   of the future will be known not for the
          Chief Digital Officer and Customer   the Covid-19 crisis together.   products it sells, but for the creativity,
          Experience at Absa Regional                                       agility and openness to co-creating
          Operations (ARO)                 These solutions have been carefully   solutions with clients and partners.
                                           thought through to assist those most   Everything we do speaks to our ability
                                           in distress during the initial wave of   to  find  solutions  to  our  customers’
                    hen  a  crisis  of  the   the Covid-19 economic slowdown.   needs – this is even more relevant at a
                    magnitude  of Covid-19   Although we live in an era of social   time when our very concept of ‘normal’
                    strikes,  it  is  our  role  as   distancing, geographically segregated   is being challenged and revised
         Wa responsible lender to          interaction,  and  government-   constantly.
          put forward various immediate and   enforced lockdowns, our technology
          medium-term solutions to proactively   and the array of digital products we   Support for SMEs
          combat the downturn it brings. As an   offer have enabled us to continue to
          African business, we  have sought to   serve all our customers efficiently   One of the things we are very conscious
          position ourselves so that we can offer   and effectively.        of is that small and medium enterprises
          not just tangible relief in  this time of                         (SMEs)  are  vital  to  economic  growth
          distress and global upheaval, but also   Leading digitally        across Africa, and we need to support
          true value in an ever-changing world.                             and nurture the entrepreneurial energy
                                           It is  inevitable  that  a post-Covid-19   and  innovation in that sphere.  We
          For any indebted individual or   world will see  us  emerge  into a   further recognise that the informal
          business, servicing debt during such   more  digitally-driven space. Absa   economy needs to be as much
          difficult times is a source of angst. Absa   is actively driving the roll-out of   protected as the  formal economy,
          reacted swiftly to the  pandemic by   digital  infrastructure  and  offering  our   because this makes up a large portion
          designing,  offering  and  implementing   customers more innovative  solutions.   of employment in Africa.
          smart solutions and offering significant   Customers can bank in a variety of
          financial respite during these times.  ways: internet  banking, apps, e-  and   Therefore, we  ensure  that our SMEs
                                           mobile commerce, and contactless   and our business banking customers
          Relief  measures  have  included  payment capabilities.           benefit  from  our  relief  programmes
          repayment breaks, moratoriums on                                  during these turbulent times as much
          capital repayments and the  waiver of   One of the key pillars of our growth   as our individual customers. There  is
          fees  on interbank  transfers  through   is  to build  a scalable,  digitally-led   no doubt that when the time comes to
          internet banking and bank-to-wallet   business. When we launched the   rebuild our economies, SMEs will play
          transactions, among others.      new Absa brand across Africa, we   a leading role in spurring such efforts.
                                           spoke about “bringing possibilities
          A payment holiday – which also defers   to life”, and we are stretching digital   According  to  the  World  Bank,  Small
          the tenor of the repayment – is just   boundaries to meet and, indeed,   and Medium Enterprises  (SMEs)
          one option available and is primarily   exceed the needs of our clients in a   play a major role  in most economies,
          designed  to  offer  immediate  relief   rapidly evolving landscape.  particularly  in developing  countries
          and  ensure  a  continued  cashflow                               where  SMEs  account for the  majority
          for a household or business facing   Our digital transformation  towards   of businesses  worldwide  and are
          financial hardship, while at the same   a  low-touch,  low-contact future  is   important contributors to job creation
          time protecting credit worthiness.   accelerating at a fast pace. In driving   and  global  economic  development.
          The option to exercise a payment   this, we will make banking and ways of   SMEs  represent  about  90%  of
          holiday is a conversation between the   payment cheaper for all our customers.   businesses  and  more  than 50%  of
          customer and the lender based on the   We are already seeing a massive surge   employment worldwide, while  formal
          profile  and  individual  circumstances   in digital use and pick-up by customers   SMEs contribute up to 40% of national
          of the client.                   in all our regions, which reinforces   income (GDP) in emerging economies.
                                           our conviction that we are on the right   These numbers are significantly higher
          All of this has been done in consultation   track.

         16  Noble Magazine   //  July - August 2020
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