Page 22 - Noble Magazine • July-August 2020-1
P. 22


         Innovation and Technology

         Orange Botswana                                                    customers within SoHo and SMEs,
                                                                            and are appreciative of the very unique
                                                                            circumstances and characteristics in
         launches New                                                       play  here.  It  is  based  on insight  and
                                                                            engagement with these customers that
                                                                            these  offers  have  been  developed,  so
         Business lines for                                                 that we can provide very real, relevant,
                                                                            and impactful assistance to enhance
                                                                            their businesses.”

         the SOHO & SME                                                     For SoHo customers, Orange Botswana
                                                                            has introduced the Prepaid Pro offer,
                                                                            “SIM ya Moipereki. This offer caters
         Market                                                             primarily for businesses  operating
                                                                            in the  informal sector, such as street
                                                                            hawkers, mechanics, farmers, working
                                                                            in informal areas, from their homes, or
                                                                            from  small  rented  office  spaces.  SIM
          ·  Orange Botswana introduces new offers to support Small Office   ya Moipereki  offers  them  generous
            Home Offices (SoHo) & Small Medium Enterprises (SME)            bonus rewards which vary monthly
          ·  Orange Botswana remains committed to providing solutions       based on their consumption. These
            that are both impactful and relevant                            benefits  include  data  bundles  and/or
          ·  Orange Botswana strives to support the sustainability of       free  off-net  &  on-net  minutes  and  an
            Botswana’s business community through tailor-made innovative    opportunity to open an Orange Money
            solutions                                                       account. SIM ya Moipereki is available
                                                                            at all Orange Shops for only P10.
                                                   range Botswana has seen the   For SME customers, established
                                                   need for sound, reliable and   enterprises  that are  fully operational
                                                   affordable  communications   and primarily trading in formal sectors
                                          Oplatforms that enable the        as, for instance, local retailers, garages,
                                           Small  Office  Home  Office  and  Small   manufacturers, construction, retail
                                           Medium Enterprises  to continue   business service providers and the like,
                                           making  profitable  business  moves  in   Orange  Botswana  offers  the  Hybrid
                                           the “new normal”. A total of three new   Pro and the Sellecta Pro. These offers
                                           offers  have  been  launched,  Prepaid   are  flexible  contract  lines  that  allow
                                           Pro, Hybrid Pro and Sellecta Pro, all   businesses  to enjoy prepaid services
                                           of these  have  been  designed to suit   when their monthly allowances finish.
                                               the unique needs of Small Office   In  addition  to  the  monthly  benefits,
                                                  Home  Offices  (SoHo)  &   both the Hybrid Pro and the Sellecta
                                                    Small Medium Enterprises   Pro  offers  have  optional  extras  such
                                                     (SME) customers while   as data vouchers, device  vouchers, or
                                                     affording   them   an   a Postpaid Konnecta device rental at a
                                                     opportunity  to  enjoy  small fee.
                                                     generous    incentives
                                                      while doing business.
                                                                            “The   new   offers   are   available
                                                                            throughout all Orange Botswana stores
                                                       Orange B2B & Fixed   Nationwide and are a first in market, a
                                                        Broadband Director,   development from Orange  Botswana
                                                         Dennis    Mmolai   to show true business community.
                                                          said, “We have    “Business, as they say, must go on. We
                                                           looked at the    are here to help our business customers
                                                            typical  profiles   as a true communications partner and
                                                             of our business   we are invested in their growth for
                                                                            years to come,” concluded Mmolai.
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