Page 25 - Noble Magazine • July-August 2020-1
P. 25
                                                                                      HEALTH CARE BUSINESS

          and that’s the beauty about General   reach,” added Setlhare.     with vast experience when it comes to
          Practice you get to explore all the areas                         setting up a company and running it
          of what Dentistry has to offer. “My Post   Dentistry has evolved over the years   because  for  me,  previously,  I  was  just
          Graduate  Diploma  has  given  me  an   and it continues to do so every day.   happy and excited to just see patients
          added advantage as my practice sees   As a believer of self-development   but input from the former makes you
          a  lot  of  children  who  require  dental   and  empowerment,  Setlhare  is  understand the business environment
          treatment. I love working with children,   therefore regularly attending short   better,” explained Setlhare.
          it’s always been a passion of mine. So   courses to learn about new trends and
          your little ones are most welcome at my   sharpening  her  skills.  For  instance,   Although the business is still growing,
          Practice,” said Setlhare.        tooth replacement is now moving away   Setlhare  has  big  dreams  and  the
                                           from crown and bridge work to now the   focus of the business has always been
          Setlhare explained that her business is   more preferred implants, and she gets   towards being socially responsible and
          fully self-sponsored and this means she   patients who ask about such options.   impactful. “I just love people, positive
          used  her  entire  life’s  savings but  she   For  now  she  refers  those  patients  but   energy, I laugh a lot and always aim to
          does not have any regrets, as it is worth   in future,she would like to also be   make my patients dental experience,
          it. To add on, she is also grateful for the   able to place implants. According to   fun and relaxed. I love kids and believe
          financial investment from her husband,   Setlhare, teeth whitening is now one of   I have a God given talent when dealing
          who is also a Director in the business and   the big trends, it’s safe when it’s done   with them. Am a big believer in basic
          assists with business development and   by a professional and patient selection   oral  practices.  Brush,  floss,  rinse,
          strategic leadership. “With Covid-19   is absolutely key for good results.   regular dental visits and yes avoiding
          being our new normal, our clinic set   Currently, she cautions patients to   too much sugar. Am realistic and
          up had to also change starting with our   always consult a dental professional   respect that not all can afford expensive
          reception area which is now adhering   who is best positioned to even explain   dental care but if we can respect this
          to social distancing requirements. This   to them what it all entails. This is not   basic foundation a lot of oral diseases
          now means we encourage patients   easy because the world is so far ahead   can be prevented. Our clients can still
          to come for their appointments as   but there is little she can do.  look forward to great service going
          scheduled to avoid having too many                                forward. I am also looking forward
          people in the Clinic at a given time.   “As a new entrepreneur, I am still finding   to my own personal growth as well
          We keep registers of all who access our   my way as well. I found that developing   -  sharpening my skills. Dentistry is
          clinic and we record temperature and   a business strategy has really helped to   all  in  the  hands,  so  precision  is  key,”
          we provide sanitizers as instructed. We   create some certainty and direction for   concluded Setlhare.
          have also started being more active on   me. The strategy has helped pave a way
          our Social Media platforms so that we   forward for the business. I would advise
          are able to increase our coverage and   other businesses to have directors

                                                                               Noble Magazine   //   July - August 2020  25
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