Page 28 - Noble Magazine • July-August 2020-1
P. 28


         Money Laundering

         Schools Must Mitigate

         Money Laundering Risk

         A             place  probably would  An  accountable  institution  is  defined   Once the AML/CFT risk assessment
                                           as “any legal entity registered or
                                                                            has been completed, and it should be
                 consider being used as a
                                           incorporated under any law” and
                                                                            appreciated that it is a living document
                 vehicle to launder illegal
                                                                            an organisation can then set about
                                           employee.  Legal entities  in Botswana
         money.  However private  schools and   includes any associate, subsidiary, or any   and must be reviewed regularly,
         universities,  just  like  most  businesses,   captured by the definition include trusts   implementing the other important
         can be used as instruments of financial   and companies.  A trust is required to be   measures including:
         crime. Schools and universities caught   registered with the Master of the High
         up in  money laundering are usually   Court pursuant to the Trust Property   •  AML/CFT  policies,  programmes,
         unwitting participants. The amount   Control Act 2018, while a private   procedures,  and  controls  to
         of money laundered through a school   company must be registered with the   educate and guide staff on what the
         is  not  significant  compared  to  other   Companies and Intellectual Property   organisation and  they  must  do  to
         techniques,  but  the  volume  can  be   Authority.    If  a  school  or  university  in   comply with the law.  The AML/CFT
         increased with the  help  of school   Botswana operates as a trust or as a   frameworks should be more than just
         administrators who receive  a kickback   private company or a combination of a   a compliance exercise undertaken
         or  “commission”  from  criminals  trust with a company as the trustee, then   by an educational institution.  For a
         to move  illegal money  through  the   it is an accountable institution and must   system to be effective, it is important
         school. making the funds returned to   comply with the  FIA and regulations.   to  build  a  culture  within the
         them appear to have originated from a   It is beyond this article to state all the   organisation where  managers and
         legitimate source.                AML/CFT obligations a private school or   employees of all levels understand
                                           university as an accountable institution   the  threat posed to their country,
         Last year, private  schools in the  UK   must comply with, but a summary of the   community and organisation by
         were identified as being soft targets for   core  compliance  obligations  is  briefly   criminal activities and will therefore
         money laundering.  While in the US, the   discussed here.            do the right thing and go beyond the
         recent nationwide  college  admissions                               minimum required by law;
         scandal involving many prominent   When  designing  any  anti-crime
         people has highlighted the risk of an   measure,  the  first  step  is  to  assess  the   •  Development  and  maintenance
         education  facility, in that case the   criminal risk the institution is facing. The   of an independent audit function
         University of Southern California, being   assessment of criminal risk is important   to examine and evaluate the
         caught  up  in  financial  crime.  Parents   not just for a school or university but for   effectiveness  of  the  educational
         have  been charged with conspiracy to   any business.  Understanding all risks,   institution’s AML/CFT programme;
         launder money for concealing bribes   including criminal risk, are  important   •  Designation of AML/CFT compliance
         and other payments. With a charity,   and a sound business planning strategy.    officers  at  the  management  level  to
         fake consulting agreements and fake   This  is  acknowledged  in global  AML/  ensure a high level of ownership and
         invoices being some of the methods   CFT frameworks and legally enforced in   commitment to preventing financial
         used to conceal funds as legitimate   the FI Act.  The risk assessment must be   crime.  The  largest  fines  imposed
         payments.                         done  first  because  all  other  AML/CFT   on  financial  institutions  for  failing
                                           plans and mitigation strategies hang   to comply with AML/CFT law have
         In most countries, for example the UK   off it.  Some organisations in Botswana,   occurred because  of incompetent,
         and Australia, schools are not regulated   to expediate their obligation to comply   poor commitment, or a failure of
         by anti-money laundering and counter-  with the FI Act and regulations are   leadership by senior management;
         financing  of  terrorism  frameworks.   designing their AML/CFT strategy and
         In Botswana a private  educational   policies  first.    This  approach  is  thwart   •  Establishment of procedures to
         institution  such as a university or   with problems that will occur later. It   ensure  high standards of employee
         school, if it is an accountable institution,   could result in some  risks, including   integrity and a system to evaluate the
         is captured by the Financial Intelligence   high risks, being overlooked and   personal, employment and financial
         Act (FIA) and regulations which is the   resources wasted on low risks which   history of potential employees. In
         anti-money laundering and counter-  either  did  not  require  the  degree  of   conjunction with the  development
         financing  of  terrorism  (AML/CFT)  law   mitigation deployed or could have been
         of Botswana.                      eliminated completely.                      Continues in Page 30

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