Page 30 - Noble Magazine • July-August 2020-1
P. 30


         Money Laundering

             Continued from Page 28          broad.  The relevance for educational   people, approximately 52% of the
                                             institutions would be entities based   working population, are employed by
            of AML/CFT policies, an educational   offshore especially in tax havens and   Government in Botswana (25% by
            institution should review and where   parents who operate businesses that   the  central government, 22% by local
            necessary interconnect its anti-  are known to be high risk for money   government and 5% by parastatals).
            bribery  and  corruption policies   laundering or predominantly deal   Before an educational institution enters
            and procedures. Overlapping both   in cash.  An educational institution   a business arrangement with a PIP,
            frameworks significantly strengthens   when dealing with a company or   approval must be obtained from a senior
            the capability of an organisation to   trust,  particularly  offshore,  which   manager and reasonable measures
            prevent financial crime. As we know   usually means receiving funds from   undertaken to establish both the source
            from global experience, where an   it in payment for fees, must identify   of the persons wealth and source of their
            AML/CFT framework or any internal   the  natural person behind the  legal   funds.  The PIP must then be subject to
            control measure  has failed, like  the   entity.  Failure to do so could mean   enhanced ongoing monitoring during
            US college  scandal, it has primarily   that the institution could be dealing   the relationship.
            been due to corrupt staff;       with  a  sanctioned  entity,  a  person
                                             of high risk or a foreign  prominent   Finally, private universities and schools
          •  Conduct due diligence on entities   influential person (PIP).    must adhere to the mandatory record
            before they become customers and                                keeping and reporting obligations
            continue with ongoing due diligence   Private education         required  by  the  FIA.  Records  must  be
            throughout the life of the business                             kept for a period of 20 years and an
            relationship. The question often raised   providers are advised   institution is required to report to the FIA
            by educational institutions is who is   to not take the risk    suspicious  activity  it  has  identified  and
            the customer? For universities and   of being caught in         all cash transactions of or above P10,000
            schools that would mean the parents                             or in equivalent foreign currency.
            or guardians of children. Unless the   money laundering
            university is only dealing with a student   and implement       Failure by a private educational
            of adult age and has not entered a   measures to                institution  to  comply with  any of the
            business relationship  with  another                            provisions of the FI Act could result in
            adult, being a parent or guardian of   eliminate or mitigate    the imposition of a serious penalty upon
            the student. But what about children   the probability of it    the organisation.  Serious penalties also
            attending primary and secondary                                 apply under the FI Act for any person who
            schools run by private organisations?    occurring.             is responsible for ensuring compliance
            The  FI  Act  requires  specified  parties                      with  the  FI  Act  who  negligently  fails
            and  accountable  institutions  to  The  definition  of  a  PIP  in  the  FIA  is   to take any measure that is reasonably
            identify and verify the identity of any   extensive and includes any person who   necessary to ensure compliance.  And
            beneficial owner.  And under the law,   is entrusted with a public function in   if any manager or employee is involved
            a beneficial owner includes a natural   Botswana or by a foreign  country and   in an act of money laundering, and
            person,  who directly or  indirectly   includes close associates and immediate   note that in Botswana the level of
            through any contract, arrangement,   family members.  To be  a politically   knowledge required to convict a person
            understanding, relationship or is   exposed person under international   is low compared to other crimes, then
            otherwise is involved in a transaction   AML/CFT  standards  requires  that  a   penalties involving a  fine not exceeding
            conducted on his or her behalf.  This   person  hold  a  “significant”  position   P20,000,000 or imprisonment for a
            would appear to include children.    in government or in an international   term not exceeding 20 years, or both
            Universities  and  private  schools  are   organisation, but that is not the case   could be imposed on that person.
            therefore required to implement CDD   in  Botswana.    The  word  significant  is
            measures for parents and for children   missing from the definition.  This means   Private education providers are advised
            attending or who apply to attend the   any person employed by the government   to not take  the  risk of being caught
            institution; and               in Botswana is a PIP regardless of   in money laundering and implement
                                           the  position they hold.    It should  be   measures to eliminate  or mitigate  the
          •  Conducting  enhanced    due   noted  that  it not  only includes  senior   probability of it occurring.
            diligence  in relation to customers,   executive  officers  of  public  bodies  and
            products, services, and jurisdictions   political parties but also from a private   Article written by Merero Partners,
            deemed high risk because  of the   entity.  It is therefore highly probable   a  boutique  advisory  firm  based  in
            risk assessment or from advice   that a private  university or school will   Botswana  offering  Corporate  Finance,
            received  from  the  Financial  engage a customer, a parent, or a child,   Management Consulting and  Risk
            Intelligence Agency or other foreign   who is a PIP.  This is because a PIP is   Advisory Services.  Contact us via email
            organisation.  The  list of what is a   usually  able  to  afford  the  fees  charged  for  more
            high-risk  business, or a  high-risk   by private educational institutions   information on our AML/CFT training
            jurisdiction as defined in the FIA is   and because  a very large  number of   and consultancy services in Botswana.

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