Page 14 - STA Studio Sessions Playbill 031121FINAL
P. 14


      ANNA MARIA MORRIS* (Writer/         LUPE MENDEZ (Performer/Writer) is a
      Performer) is a multidisciplinary artist   writer/actor/educator/activist originally
      currently based in Houston, TX. As a   from Galveston, TX. Previously Lupe was
      poet, she has performed at various open   a member of The Royal Mexican Players,
      mics, slams, and features hosted by Write   an all Latino Theatre troupe based out of
      About Now Poetry, UH CoogSlam, and   Houston, TX. Lupe is a published writer
      Coast2Soul Poetry. In addition to poetry,   and the founder of TINTERO PROJECTS
      Anna Maria is a proud AEA actor with a   - a grassroots literary organization that
      background in live theater performance.   provides a platform for Latinx and BIPOC
      Audiences might remember her from   writers along the Texas Gulf Coast with
      Stages: Little Shop of Horrors (Chiffon),   Houston as its hub. Lupe is the current
      Sin Muros: City Without Altar (Socorro),   festival coordinator for the SIN MUROS
      Panto Wonderful Wizard (Monkee/Cow);   Latinx Theatre Festival produced through
      Alley Theatre: Alley All New: High School   Stages.
      Play… (Sophie); The Landing Theatre
      Company: Between Two Caves (Alex);
      Obsidian Theater: For Colored Girls...
      (Lady in Blue); Firecracker Productions:
      Crooked (Laney). More of her work can be
      found on Instagram @TheArtAnnaMaria,
      DeFunkt Magazine, and her website She
      has abundant gratitude for her family,
      friends, Patrick, and her biggest fan Dad.
      BFA: Sam Houston State University,
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