Page 17 - Yantraevue
P. 17

The Heart of the                                      The F1 cars are also covered with fire-killing foam

                                                              sprays in case the fire gets out of control, like an im-
        Beast                                                 mune F1 car is but a mechanical extension of Life.

        The Modern Engine weighs up to 95kgs and can   re-
        volve up to 18000rpm, which is equivalent to an accel-  Mercedes has dominated the world of Formula One
        erative force of 700g on the pistons. The number of igni- since 2014. Having the Racing crown in its possession,
        tions over the course of the race are over 8 million. The   Mercedes is now working on an economic Automobile
        Engine consumes up to 450 litres of air every second.  with major changes in its Engine, its being designed un-
                                                              der the title of ‘Hypercar’. The Hypercar is a rendition of

        Alfa Romeo, the car in which the first World Cham-    the F1 car. The aim is to make the thrill of F1 car acces-
        pionship was won, had a supercharged Engine with a    sible to the people other than F1 Drivers. Other teams,
        capacity of 1.5 litres. Four years after the first champi-  such as Red Bull, are working on their own Hypercars,
        onship was won, the capacity was increased to 2.5 litres.  but the Mercedes version looks set to steal the show.
        These Engines produced 300bhp. The major chang-       Their plan is to put an F1 engine into an AMG. The
        es came in ’61 when Ferdinand Porsche introduced      Mercedes F1 Hypercar will be released in 2017, the 50th
        Mid-Engine cars, which took the capacity back to 1.5   anniversary of the AMG. It will feature carbon fibre
        litres. The Mid-Engine cars produced 150bhp, half of   construction and biometric inputs, as well as 3 electric
        what its predecessors produced. Later FIA introduced   engines to supplement the single F1 combustion engine.
        new rules mandating that the turbocharged Engines
        should only use 1.5 litre capacity.                   One might wonder why such amounts of time and
                                                              money are poured into something as trivial as entertain-
        The Engine has numerous parts, and if one part is man-  ment. Formula One has never been just about entertain-
        ufactured over the tolerance, it will have drastic effects   ment. With its Bleeding Edge technology, it has always
        on the speed and transition. With its 40 sensors, the   been ahead of its time. Consequently Formula One
        gears are changed in less than 1/10th of a second. More   paved the way to more innovations in the entire Auto-
        than 50 technicians work on the F1 car during the pre-  mobile Technology. What is considered a failure in F1
        race time. On the day that really counts, the pit stop’s   technology can be turned into a life-altering technology
        engineers decide the winners. Those who take less time   in everyday cars. The average cost of a complete F1 car
        in the Pit stops have a larger probability of winning. In   is around $9.4 million, making it highly uneconomical.
        very little time, the pit stop engineers should be able to   But through extensive research, this aristocratic privi-
        change the tires, fuel the car and take care of all other   lege can be altered for the utilisation of the bourgeois.  YE
        necessities. The average time in a pit stop is 5 seconds.
        In perspective, it’s the same amount time you took to

        read the last two sentences.                          SPECIFICATIONS
        The Beast had taken its most formidable form in the
        21st century. Its heart made with one of the strongest   ENGINE                            1.6 LITERS V 6 TURBO
        metals: Aluminum, beating 18000 times a minute        RPM                                                      18000
        (18000 rpm); with 1.6 litres of blazing blood flowing   HORSE POWER                                 750
        through it; travelling at a speed 380kmph, rendering   WEIGHT                  640 KG INCLUDING DRIVER
        reality itself into blurred lines of obscurity; with its   SPEED                                                   380KMPH
        creator, man himself as its mind. In time, the Beast had   THERMAL EFFICIENCY                45-47%
        learned to respect its worthy rival, now its shields him   NUMBER OF GEARS                        8
        with strong carbon fibres. The walls of the cockpit are
        laced with Zylon, a material as strong as Kevlar. The
        walls can withstand the force of more than 250 tonnes.
        The suits worn by Drivers are made of a special material
        known as Zovex, which can withstand a temperature of
        840 degrees Celsius for about 11 seconds. The chassis
        (Skeleton) of the F1 car is made of carbon, the building
        blocks of life.
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