Page 24 - Yantraevue
P. 24

The Prime Movers of the


         Words: Avinash A. (G. Hunt)

        The evolution of the Engine, and subsequently         adapted the concept of electricity to automo-
        The Automobile has been staggering. In its one        biles and conceived electricity fuelled engines,
        and half century of reign it consistently kept on     but this has been done before and repeatabil-
        shaping the world; and as any material thing          ity cannot account for fame Tesla has today.
        which influences the world it too, had conse-         The accountability of fame can be traced back
        quences. These consequences were as many              to how Tesla handled its marketing, a field in
        good as they were bad, and though we man-             which its predecessors have failed. Tesla, as
        aged to eliminate the most of the bad through         told by the experts, has been fighting a losing
        extensive research, we have not been able to          battle right from its inception. Tesla’s first car
        eliminate the most persisting and devastating         was the Roadster Sport introduced in 2008, it
        consequence: The effect the fossil-fuel based         was aimed at the super rich in attempts to cre-
        engines had on nature.                                ate a brand value for Tesla Motors. Roadster
                                                              Sport has sold less than 4000 units, a rather
        In the latter half of the last century, our at-       low number for a brand as big as Tesla.
        tempts to make the engine bio-friendly had
        been successful in a sense that they have             After four years, the next car Tesla introduced
        decreased the emissions to a great extent, but        was the Model S, unlike its expensive sibling
        it was too late, the engine had already taken         Model S was moderately priced. It was the
        its toll on Nature. Our dependability on the          second highest-selling electric car in history,
        engine has compelled us to discard the devas-         but this still was not good news for Tesla as
        tation it causes and having no alternative the        it wasn’t making as much profit as it should
        world obliged. Though a vast majority have            for functioning. Most of the revenue was
        succumbed to its usage, a select few have been        being used to set up refilling stations across
        hunting for a solution to the problem of emis-        the globe, and the company was functioning
        sions. And in 2003, after 130 years, the solution     on a bare minimum. This state continued up
        presented itself in the name of Tesla Motors.         until the brink of bankruptcy, but betting on

                                                              a flourishing future Elon Musk, along with his
        Zero emission Vehicles: Tesla aims to produce         colleagues, decided to fund the production
        these Zero Emission Vehicles or ZEV’s for the         privately with their own money.
        mass market in hopes of reducing the contri-
        bution of automobiles to environmental pollu-
        tion. Taking inspiration from the ideas of the
        greatest inventor of his time, Nikola Tesla, the
        greatest inventor of our time, Elon Musk, had

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