Page 28 - Yantraevue
P. 28


        I                                                        the efficiency of the process and performance of the
        I   magine manufacturing a car. You know the basic
        steps; making of the engine parts, designing and the     product. The analytics refers to the way we understand
        assembly. Now you begin making it. You have chosen a     and use the data generated by the machines to achieve
        process of your own to cast the components. You have     highest efficiency. We all know the importance of con-
        chosen a design according to the aerodynamics and you    nectivity between people for development. Similarly we
        have an idea of what the final product looks like. You   need connectivity between machines to produce better
        have recruited people to complete each of the given task.  goods. To further understand the concept of connectiv-
        There is a high possibility that there can be a mistake in   ity, let us take the example of car manufacturing again.
        production since it is human nature to err.  Even though   We have replaced people by machines to complete the
        you take good care to maintain accuracy, it cannot be    assembling section of our manufacturing unit. Now,
        promised. Even a minute mistake could cost you alot!     every machine which takes part has an idea about how
        But imagine there are machines employed to do the job.   the final product is going to be and the instructions will
        The machines can be programmed in such a way that        be followed without any errors. The machines know
        they maintain accuracy to the point which will later help  that the seats and dashboard of the car have to be fitted
        us in giving a much efficient product. With robots we    before the dome of the car and the respective machine
        do not have to worry disobedience or dozing off during   does the job at that time. The connectivity is achieved
        work. All we have to do is to program them properly.     by cloud computing, Internet of Things (IoT) and
        Hence, to make things better and beneficial, we have     Internet of Services (IoS). In simple terms, we need the
        replaced man power with machines, which bring us to      machines to talk to each other, share progress and track
        the topic of SMART FACTORIES.                            success.

        WHAT IS A SMART FACTORY?                                 “This is nothing less than a paradigm shift in industry:
                                                                 the real manufacturing world is converging with the
        Smart factories, also known as industry 4.0, is a place   digital manufacturing world to enable organizations to
        where the efficiency of smart machines collaborates      digitally plan and project the entire lifecycle of products
        with man power to create machines without the wast-      and production facilities.”
        age of time, defects and waiting. The world is changing,   - Helmuth Ludwig, CEO, Siemens Industry Sector,
        with or without us. People want more efficiency, better   North America.
        performance and recyclables. Smart factories enable us
        to achieve these. Manufacturing has a dirty image from   PROS AND CONS
        the past century because of the labour involved in it, but   The only reason we move to futuristic technologies is
        the smart factories have the ability of change that image.   if it shows us a glint of hope and stands at advantage
        It is a perfect combination of high-precision tools and   when compared to the present techniques. Smart facto-
        high-tech workers working in unison for a better to-     ries have their share of Advantages that make the idea
        morrow. The three things that are changing the world     even more engrossing to use in our day-to-day utiliza-
        presently are the data, the analytics and the connectivity.  tion.
        Do you know there is 1 terabyte of data generated in
        flying an aeroplane? This data is very crucial to opti-  The first downside of using man power would be the
        mize the fuel requirements and the proper functioning    efficiency and performance. These things are overcome
        of the plane. Big data analysis is required in improving   by using the combination of  advanced robotics which

         19                                                      work 24 hours a day for 7 days in a week, they also
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