Page 32 - Yantraevue
P. 32
He had to go through more than 15 years of an ‘But why him, he’s no different from the others’, you
unstable financial condition, when his sole source may be wondering. The difference between Uddhab
of income was the amount of money his inventions Bharali and his fellow great Engineers is that, un-
made, and he had to support his whole family and like most of them, he did not start at the bottom, he
his projects on this income. Unfettered by what he’s started below 18 lakhs below whatever you per-
been through his passion drove him forward to- ceive to be the bottom. In such a situation, any man
wards better inventions, but his wasn’t the toughest would cower into the shadows of his saviour, but
period of his life. unwilling to disgrace himself, he plunged into the
Up until 1995, he spent a greater amount of his time light and has become a beacon of light himself.
on his projects, since his brother was there to sup- The story of Uddhab Bharali answers the questions
port his family, but tragedy struck in that year and put forward to you at the beginning.
Mr Bharali was beavered of his brother, making him Fear holds you back because you let it be instilled in
the only earning member in his family. He survived by people who told you that you won’t make it be-
through the next few years by selling his inventions cause you looked at people who didn’t make it and
to small vendors and farmers. thought that you were no different from them. The
An amount of 18 lakhs is a astonishing amount to world doesn’t accept losers? Look around you, there
gather, even in 2016. Imagine trying to do that 28 are as many great losers as there are great winners,
years ago. This was what Mr Bharali had to do 1988, both the losers and winners struggled, both of them
he had to clear a debt of 18 lakhs which his father made it. And whenever the world didn’t seem to ac-
had on his head. Mr Bharali was 29 years old with- cept them, they beat it into shape to accommodate
out any proper credentials, it should have been an themselves. If you feel like you will be trampled in a
impossible task to do, but always foreseeing sight path, then you make your own, like Uddhab Bharali
had enabled him to do it. In this year he had made did. Again the distinction between great men and
his first invention, a polyethene making machine, yourself is as simple as ever: They did something.
which he designed and made himself for Rs. 67,000, All these words should inherently tell why you
against its market value of 1 lakh. Thus began his stopped believing you can be great too.
serial habit of inventing. ‘Easier said than done.’ You mocking tell your-
Think about the thing you love the most, the thing self. Yes, it’s harder to do things than to talk about
which fills you with life, which is of the utmost them. Nothing worth having comes easy, that’s how
importance to you, without which you will be in it works. In fact, you might, no, you will not be
a state of constant misery. Now, imagine being among the great men; you will not make it. But I
deprived of it. The thing which Mr Bharali loved hope you will stop listening to fools. YE
most was knowledge, he craved knowledge, and he
wanted to devour as much knowledge as possible.
Unfortunately, he was deprived of the opportunity
to have such knowledge. He had to drop out of En-
gineering because he did not have required money
to go through Engineering. This was probably the
most challenging period of his life. He realised
that he will never be a certified engineer and took
to others ways of became what he is today, a True
Engineer. This wasn’t just the case with his engi-
neering, throughout his school life he was mocked
and was left unattended because he asked too many
questions. His childhood is eerily reminiscent of
Einstein’s childhood.