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9. University of Oxford, UK and others. You have perspectives to also become an ad-
10. Harvard University, US ministrator or manager and to have a satisfying salary.
Don’t forget that you can also find plenty of good study
options for mechanical engineering in many other Staying in touch with other specialists
countries worldwide. These are some of the databases and resources that
students and engineers often use in their work. You will
Picking the right specialization in mechanical find information, projects, materials and fundamentals
engineering that will help you throughout your study programme
Once you settle your professional path, you will notice and career.
that you have a broad range of specializations to pick American Society of Mechanical Engineers
from and the opportunity to learn more about technol- (ASME)
ogy and the latest innovation trends. At first, you will iCrank
be introduced to the focus points of mechanical engi- MatWeb
neering: statics and dynamics, thermodynamics, fluid Efunda
dynamics, stress analysis, mechanical design and techni- NASA Tech Briefs
cal drawing. After you gain the required skills, you can
specialize in a certain field. Below you have some of the A generous salary isn’t bad either
most popular choices students make, related to the field Pay-Scale revealed some of the salaries that mechanical
of mechanical engineering: engineers have, which states that the average salary of
Aerospace earning 108,000 USD/year. However, it is said that there
Automotive is no typical day for a mechanical an early employed
Biotechnology engineer with a Bachelor degree is 61,100 USD/year.
Design and computer-aided design After ten years of experience, you have high chances of
Cyber security getting a better pay, since your work involves multi-dis-
Energy ciplinary projects. Working in engineering deals with
Human health both static and field/lab work, so you will not have the
Manufacturing chance to be unpleased of sitting at the office all day.
The entry requirements for mechanical engineering vary
but all of them demand a background in mathematics,
physics and, in some cases, chemistry. If you don’t fulfill
all of the requirements, you can take a foundation year
before the beginning of your Bachelor’s degree program.
Some of the Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Mechan-
ical Engineering target subjects like materials science,
heat transfer, fluid mechanics, manufacturing, machine
design, and laboratory methods. You will be assessed
through written exams, presentations, and individual
or group research projects. Also, some students partici-
pating in research projects in collaboration with clients
from the industry will also be paid for their work.
Building a successful career
Career outcomes after graduating a degree in mechani-
cal engineering involve research, design, development,
manufacturing and testing of devices such as engines,
tools or machines. You will constantly work with ma-
chines, electric generators, internal combustion engines