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                                                                T. Dinesh Kumar

        Who hasn’t heard of engineering and the success that engineers have had in their careers? The most common
        idea people have about engineers is about their above average salary and the chance they have to innovate.
        But the cherry on top is mechanical engineering, the broadest and oldest discipline in engineering; one can
        have a rewarding career studying this subject.
        Technically, Mechanical Engineers are needed in every industry, since wherever there is a problem that deals
        with energy, motion, and force, Mechanical engineers are there to fix it. Graduating as a Bachelor or Master
        in Mechanical Engineering offers you the skills to research, design, develop and build test devices, sensors
        that include tools, engines, and machines. Let’s see what abilities and attitude make the difference between
        an average and a great mechanical engineer:

              Making sure your heart is in the right place            Getting your hands dirty!
        First, choose your field of study out of passion, not be-  In his or her free time, a great Mechanical Engineer
        cause of the high salaries in the field. Mechanical Engi-  does not turn down the challenge of fixing things. En-
        neering is a technical discipline that requires attention,   gineers themselves fix their cars, bikes, boats or other
        dedication and skills in science and economics. It will   complex systems. There has to be a practical aspect to
        be hard to understand and you will have difficulties    mechanical engineering and not just paperwork.
        throughout your career if you don’t have “an eye for it”.
        Pragmatism, a problem-solving attitude and a knack           Knowing your skills!
        for getting the most using minimum resources are great  In order to become a good mechanical engineer, you
        starting points for a career in mechanical engineering.  need a strong eye for details and mechanisms, a strong
                                                                background in physics and mathematics and, of course,
             Math and physics are your friends                  a higher education degree in the field. Mechanical en-
        Pay attention to your study and work the textbook prob- gineering also requires creativity and analytical skills in
        lems carefully, so that you can understand the equations.  order to properly turn an idea into something useful.
        However, don’t limit yourself only to theory. Studying
        mechanical engineering requires a high amount of             Getting the right education
        analysis of the elements from the real world. It’s a great   QS World University Rankings has developed a list with
        benefit if you’re not only good at math or physics, but   top higher education institutions providing mechanical
        you also enjoy understanding and solving problems in    engineering degrees in 2016. The rank is based on the
        these subjects.                                         institution’s academic reputation, employers’ reputation
                                                                and the impact of research.
              Turning theory into reality                       1    .Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), US
        Mechanical Engineering means understanding a prob-      2.   Stanford University, US
        lem, translating it into a mathematical equation, solving  3.   University of Cambridge, US
        it and applying the solution to a real-life result. Focus   4.   University of California, Berkeley (UCB), US
        on developing your skills to use formulas in your work,   5.   University of Michigan, US
        instead of just learning them.                          6    Imperial College London, UK
                                                                7.   Georgia Institute of Technology, US
                                                                8.   National University of Singapore, Singapore
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