Page 109 - Operations & Procedures Manuals
P. 109

     provided even if verbal warning is given. Signature does not constitute agreement but acknowledges being informed of the unacceptable behavior.
4. Provide ongoing feedback during corrective action period. Acknowledge good behavior and/or issues as they occur. Do not wait for the entire timeframe to take place prior to giving indication of progress.
5. Meet with employee at end of timeframe and establish understanding of behavior status and next steps. Congratulate employee on successful improvement or coach employee regarding next steps if expectations remain unmet.
6. A new corrective action document must be created when addressing a behavior that does not meet expectations, including a behavior that has been addressed previously by a corrective action.
7. A copy of all documents must be forwarded to the employees HR file. Future employment determinations may require the use of historical documents therefore treat the documentation as formal documents of the organization.
As needed
Employee HR file

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