Page 119 - Operations & Procedures Manuals
P. 119

Field Trip Logistics
   SOP REFERENCE #: 409.1
Policy 409: Member Supervision on Field Trips
 Policy 410: Member Supervision on Out of County Fieldtrips
Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Scottsdale offers Club Members opportunities
 through Club sponsored field trips. Member safety is priority #1 and field
 trips often pose additional levels of risk that must be mitigated to ensure
 safe return of all Club members.
Branch Director
Field Trip Approval
 All field trips must be on the pre-approved list of field trip locations. If a trip is
 not on the list, the suggested location and all pertinent information must be
 submitted to the COO. Once approved by the CEO the new location will be
 added to the approved list and can be booked as an outing for the members.
 The trip cannot be booked, advertised, or considered until after the location
 has been added to the approved list. It is suggested that ample time be
 given for the approval process, which may include an inquiry from the
 organization’s insurance carrier.
 Field Trip Permission
 All field trips require written permission slips that include:
 Name of Attraction/Place of Visit
 Address of Trip Location
 Date of Trip
 Age group restrictions (if any)
 Time departure and return
 Fees Required
 Specialty information (lunch provided, swim attire needed, etc.)
 Parent/guardian Signature and Date
 Emergency Contact for Parent/Guardian
• • • • • • • • •
All field trips out of the branch’s home county require a permission slip which includes parent/guardian consent to emergency medical treatment for child and a medical liability waiver. The permission/waiver must be turned in to the branch and a copy brought on the trip. This provides proof of medical consent if emergency treatment is needed and a parent/guardian cannot be reached. The Out of County Consent Form is available at shared/FORMS/Field Trip - Medical Liability Waiver
 A Club member may not attend a field trip with a verbal consent. A
 written/signed form is required for any youth in attendance (even if a
 parent/guardian is chaperoning the trip). A copy of each member’s
 permission slip must be carried on the trip and kept secure by the Field Trip
 Lead Supervisor.

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