Page 21 - Operations & Procedures Manuals
P. 21

Staff will inform parents/guardians of the process to withdraw their children from the program and provide support where needed. Also, inform parents/guardians of the (in writing)15-day requirement for refund requests.
Families may apply for financial assistance. Club staff must inform families of the process and ensure assistance is approved prior to attendance.
Policy No. 108 – Disclosure of Member Records
Arizona law requires Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Scottsdale to provide both parents, on reasonable request, equal access to documents concerning their child’s education and physical, mental, moral, and emotional health, unless access is limited by court order or law. Parents who have legitimate concerns related to access to such records must arrange for a court order and must provide the Clubs with written notice of any court order limiting the other parent’s access to the information.
The Clubs’ policy is to respond to all reasonable requests for information under the following guidelines, unless the Clubs have received enough notice of a court order requiring different treatment:
• For security and privacy reasons, the Clubs do not provide parental/guardian or child contact information without a subpoena or court order requiring production.
• For security and privacy reasons, the Clubs do not provide financial information concerning parental/guardian payments without a subpoena or court order requiring production. For example, the Clubs do not provide information concerning bank accounts or credit cards used to make payments to the Clubs.
• As a record of the child’s participation in the Clubs, the Clubs will provide either parent information concerning the time periods for which the Clubs received payments on the child’s behalf. The Clubs will provide this information to either parent, regardless of who registered the child, upon receipt of a proper written request, as described below.
o Theparentrequestingrecordsrelatedtothechild’seducationandphysical,mental,moral, and emotional health must provide satisfactory documentation of his or her relationship to the child.
o Arequestforrecordsrelatedtoachild’seducationandphysical,mental,moral,and emotional health must be in writing and signed by the parent/guardian requesting the information.
o Arequestforrecordsmustreasonablydefinedoridentifythedocumentsrequired.
o TheClubsmakesreasonableeffortstoproviderecordsresponsivetoarequestwithinone
(1) business week of date of the Clubs’ receipt of the written request.
Policy No. 109 – Safe Passage Policy
Traditionally, Boys & Girls Clubs operated under an Open-Door policy in which members are free to come and go as they wish throughout the day. In the interest of our members’ safety, we have updated our policies to include additional safety measures related to how members exit the Club at the end of each visit.

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